Been the ruler of the world
seeing as they have the largest armed forces and a trade embargo would bring a country to its knees
Change of topic Why hasn't China already ?
A trade embargo would not have quite the affect that you think it would. Stores like Wal-Mart, Target, Sears and a few other stores like that would end up replacing goods made in China with goods from somewhere else.
The reality is that China would hurt themselves more than they hurt us.
Change of topic Why hasn't China already ?
Because they are communist and weak.
i think they are communist and thats not a good thing
They already are the economic super power of the world, but the US is still is the military super-power of the world.
Most soldiers doesn't mean crap when you don't have the technology, missiles, air force, and navy to back it up.
America out spends 500 billion a year on military, we out spend our closest competitor 7-1.
And as for China forcing a trade embargo...they need us as much as we need them. if they stopped trading, then who would buy their cheap junk? Their economy would plummet.
Shh... You don't want to wake them up. I don't know any Chinese Lullabies either.
They may have the largest armed forces of any country but by comparison with the armed forces of the World in which they would be attempting to take over...quite miniscule.
if that country has a revolt, look out..there will be millions dead..
the people over there have no wants, its thier religion.
Well up to a certain point, one might consider them to have already been at the top. They had the most advanced civilization on Earth in the past, though the transporation systems of the time didn't really allow anyone to %26quot;rule%26quot; the world.
Nowadays, they are pretty much number 2. But their entire economy rests on selling Number 1 (America) useless crap, mostly as enticements for children to beg for Happy Meals. They also have bought up all of our debt and quite a number of Treasury Bonds; so much of their future economy rests on us being able to stay in business making money to pay them back.
Essentially, while they can collapse America's economy, they don't want to do so. To do so would only serve to screw up their own economy when they lose their biggest customer to bankruptcy.