I like my topic, I stated how some people believe that laws should be enforced in a black %26amp; white manner and others believe that they should be enforced with some discretion by the police officer. This particular topic (letter of the law vs spirit of the law) is meaningful to me because I work as a Park Ranger for a huge place and we have to enforce rules and laws. My plan is to persuade the spirit of the law vs. the letter of the law and I have a couple of my own examples. One example I already gave in my previous speech is an employee parking in a handicapped spot at 11pm when nobody is around to run in and get a forgotten wallet and they come out to a ticket. This is frustrating to many people and it does not represent the true reason the handicapped laws were written (because nobody can go to the business anyways as it is has been closed and dark for 6 hours).
But the thing is, we're supposed to provide statistics and expert testimony for this speech and this isn't something I can just Google and find results. I can barely even find results in my school's criminology databases. I didn't want this to discourage me because I figure school is about going down paths others haven't and I got a real good grade on my first speech saying my teacher liked my topic. Problem is, I don't know where to go from here...
Any advice? Thanks!
How can I use this topic?
Have you asked a librarian? I work in a library and I can't tell you haw many times people come in saying they have been researching something for hours, only to find they were looking in the wrong place all along.
Librarians know %26quot;tips and tricks%26quot; on how to get specific information and are great tools in learning how to research.