I have this guy friend and we were smsing one day when he suddenly asked if i loved him! I was so afraid to tell him that i did... so i tried changing topic, but he kept on asking. So i asked him if he loved a friend of mine(totally off topic but worked)... he said she was cute but he really didn't know her... When he said she was cute i said that the two of them would make a great pair... Then he asked me if i really do think that they would make a great pair... I said yes of course... Several days later i found out that they were together! My heart fell into pieces... My girl friend told me how happy she was... now i cant stop crying! And everytime the guy would try talking to me i'd just runaway w/ no excuse... He smses me from time to time asking if im avoiding him.... well, i cant exactly tell him the truth now can i?..... HeLp!
I'm afraid of confrontation...?
Wow, that is a sad story. But the best thing you can do with this is to make sure you learn the lesson from it. Never be afraid to speak your mind when it comes to the matters of love. There is a saying, if you snooze, you lose. I don't think your afraid of confrontation, but you might be afraid to let yourself be loved. If you feel it will help, then be honest and tell him what you did.