Friday, 7 October 2011

Why can't blacks accept that Dolly Parton is a better songwriter than Whitney Houston?

Every time I ask a question about it, they change the topic and start talking about singing, when I am actually asking about songwriting?
Why can't blacks accept that Dolly Parton is a better songwriter than Whitney Houston?
Very very few of the kids ( to me a kid is under 25 since I am an old fart) right now of any race or ethnic group are aware of D Parton's songwriting skills. Yes she wrote the %26quot;I'll always love you%26quot; song Whitney sang in %26quot;the bodyguard%26quot; but who would know that unless you were aware it was Dolly's hit 25-30 years ago. Dolly %26amp; Whitney have way different fan bases and I do not think either fan base appreciates the other fan base.

I wouldn't even bring up the who is better topic. It sets you up to be disgruntled since you are stepping into some people's personal opinion. Instead try pointing out Dolly's songs when you hear someone else singing them, such as %26quot;Islands in the Stream%26quot; by Puff Diddy.This song written by her and sung with Kenny Rogers in late 70's or early 80's was a big radio hit also. By only pointing out which songs she wrote when the opportunity arises means you are only stating facts and won't be perceived by Whitney fans as being argumentative.

I read in a bio about Dolly Parton that when she came to Nashville in the 1950's all she brought with her was what she was wearing and a cardboard suitcase full of songs she had written.
Why can't blacks accept that Dolly Parton is a better songwriter than Whitney Houston?
Plastic can write? Wtf, since when?
see that you still have your lesbo crush with these two women. They're not gay.
Well, thanks for taking out the White/Black are progressing so I'm proud of you for that.

Dolly is a songwriter...Whitney is not.
haha. your insane. where's the straight jacket when you need one?
Dolly Parton is both a talented singer and songwriter and while I don't know what Whitney has written, I'm always amazed at her talent as well. I relate more to Dolly and her songs but that doesn't mean better, just different.
You suck at trolling.
Who cares? and who the hell is dolly parton?
How are you still getting answers for these questions?
thewy both suck so ur point is invalid and worthless
Why can't you accept that Dolly can't sing anywhere near as good as Whitney?

Edit: Honestly i've never heard Dolly Parton sing, and 3 people already agree with my ignorance. It can't get any better than this.
I don't think any black person has a problem with you saying that Dolly Parton is a better songwriter than Whitney Houston.....never know either of them could write

what I do know is that Whitney Houston was a way better singer than Dolly Parton......she touches way more people with her vocals than Dolly
Sorry i didn't know you knew every single black person on this earth, stop generalising you fool.

p.s Audrey not every black person wants to look like paper
What's with all these questions about Dolly Parton and Whitney Houston?
its not that we cant accept it. its just that we dont give a damn. neither of them have anything to do with us now youve been on this subject for about a month . its time to move on
thats a matter of personal opinion. both are respectable musicians. to call one a better songwriter is like spitting at the other ones face. you need to understand how much work musicians put into their music. well except for people like soulja boy and lil wayne.....
Who is Whitney Houston? Never heard of her.
I liike country better than rap altogether. I like rap when they rap about real issues or %26quot;from the soul%26quot;. If you are singing about being a thug or a gangster you are obviously not because you are a rich black rapper and know nothing of the problems of a thug or a gangster. You are just playing on what young kids want to listen to. Same goes for country. However I know more country songs where they are actually in that situation. Whitney Housten vs Dolly Parton is a whole other issue considering both of them sang %26quot;from the soul%26quot; (as well as the fact whitney housten was not a rapper). Making both of them equally respectable song writers AND singers.
I think they both are horrible.
Because they both suck at singing and writing.
im better than both
jesus christ. Only southern hicks listen to dolly. What kind of trailer trash are you??? Her music is hick music. You hicks are blacks of the white world. More annoying than interesting.

And only gay guys, black people and women listen to whitney.

LIsten to heavy metal if you have real taste in music which you dont.

I'm too northern to listen to dolly and too upperclass suburban to listen to whitney.

I cant even tell you who is better because i'm not hick or a ghetto person.

I'm disqualified to make a judgement by fortune.
Who cares. Just give it up.
2 more points
They are just being kind to you, honey, if they change the subject it's because they don't want to embarrass you! Whitney Houston is a singer, Sweet Pea, not a songwriter...she doesn't WRITE songs, she sings them. Dolly Parton sings songs but also WRITES lots of songs, that's what makes here a %26quot;singer/songwriter%26quot; rather than just a %26quot;singer%26quot; like Ms. Houston.
u need help
They are just jealous of our creamy white skin...