Saturday, 24 September 2011

Help! How will I answer my 7-year old daughter who is asking: what does sex mean? I'm freaking here!!!!!?

she already knows all about the sperms and the eggs and ovulation and fertilization. but when she asked how her Dad's sperm came to me, I just mumbled: it got transferred when dads kiss the moms, then quickly changed topic. Is 7years old too early? How can you explain sex to a child?????
Help! How will I answer my 7-year old daughter who is asking: what does sex mean? I'm freaking here!!!!!?
No, 7 isn鈥檛 too young at all! I would suggest u tell ur child the truth鈥 know why? My mum did the same thing with me. Well, not exactly, but similar. I often asked her when I was about 7 or 8 how she had a baby. And she would just say, it depends on how much dad loves her and kisses her. And then when I grew up and found out that wat mum said wasn鈥檛 true, I lashed it out on her and told her that she鈥檇 been lying to me and hiding these things from me (I only found out when I was 15 years old from my little brother who knew when he was 9. this is because we were homeschooled)!!

Your answer might be a cover-up, but she could resent u in the future if you don鈥檛 tell her. I think the best way is to tell her, but u could give instructions about it. If 7 is too early for her to inquire, then why would she be asking u those kinds of questions? If she is old enough to ask, then she should be old enough to handle it. I know it is a hard thing, but if u tell her the truth, she鈥檒l love u later鈥 know for myself, it鈥檚 still really hard for me to get over what my mum said to me before myself.
Help! How will I answer my 7-year old daughter who is asking: what does sex mean? I'm freaking here!!!!!?
ok sit her down and tell her like have a family type talk
What is to freak out about? Your daughter is having a very normal interest in how babies are made, and the less mumbling and changing of subject you do, the more she will understand that it's a natural process, not something to feel ashamed of. Go to a good bookstore, there are many books on the market that help you explain the facts of life to children of all ages in an age-appropriate manner.
Yes this is too early!!!

Stall, stall, stall............for several years!
I would not have lied about the kissing, but I probably would have been honest and told her that it's difficult to explain and she'll understand when she's older.

A long time ago, I had a college roommate who had grown up on a farm, and he related how kids naturally learned about these things from the animals.

You have be cautious these days, because the insane lilberals are teaching cucumber condomization as early as elementary school in some places.
well, in all honesty you'd want her to learn it from you and not the internet or school. Kids are learning very early these days. How the heck does she already know about sperm/eggs and fertilization? That's a little cooky. Keep the terms simple and try not to tell her something that she'll repeat to other friends who may not know anything about sex yet. - that will get both you and her scorned.
about sex and sperms and ovum she knows tell her indirectly when mom and pop sleep together it happens its time we awoke tom realities in any case she will find out maybe the wrong way. please tell her the truth tactfully do not avoid it
LOL!!!! now that is too early to be asking such questions.

does she watch alot of TV???

i think for now ur explanation was ok, but soon u'll have to answer her correctly or if she persists.

funny how children grows up to learn all these funny things hey??-LOL
Wait... how does she even already know about sperm, eggs, etc!? Whaaat? Yeah, 7 years old is too young to know being they aren't mature enough to process that yet! And chances are she'll go around telling her little friends. Just tell her that you'll explain it to her when she's older or something?
Who is the grown up here? She seems to be able to process the concepts, so why not tell her? I have a daughter and there is no way that I would hide information from her. Because you know that if you don't tell her she'll find out some other way...and would you be rather tell her about a loving union or have some other 7 year old tell her a story?
In this day and age, no 7 is not too young.. More she knows, the safer and better off she will be.

Now as you know, your dealing with a 7 year old child so you can't tell her 'everything' because she will not understande it yet or really care. She will get bored and tired of hearing you talk about it.

Sounds like you have done a great job so far of telling her.. So just sit her down and tell her the %26quot;truth%26quot;

Something like %26quot;Sex is when two people like mommy and daddy love each other alot and want to show thier love for each other in an adult, grown up way..

Watch her face and what she says/does after you tell her that.. If she is ready to hear more then tell her..

I'm gussing you have already told her about body parts on boys and girls being diff.. If not do so now,

Also it would be a good time to clear up the whole %26quot;dad's sperm comes to you%26quot; thing.

Don't try to push anything on her, but be open with her and tell her good solid info in ways she can understand. Let her tell you when you can move on, quite, etc.
Tell her when she is old enough you will explain it. Don't panic while you're saying it it'll just make her more curious.
No... of course not as early it is you have to explain to to your daughter scientifically, and tell her that mom's and dad's are kissing because they love each other, because they love each other and they have you... and there is nothing wrong with telling her show her some picture of the of the babies that are formed inside the tummy of the mom, and i'm sure she will interested about babies...
share with her from science point of view. show her pictures from the net and tell her that it is natural thing between a man and woman but u need to instill the right moral values at this point of time. ie. this is a wondering bond of love between a husband and wife and that she should look forward to this. but meantime she need to study and build up her personality, she will respect u and might possibly hold this as a life value :)
I think that you just tell her...

1) Sex shouldn't be discussed with her friends or other people apart from her parents or school teachers in a quiet place unless they are taking sexual education at school/until she's older.

2) tell her it's something that grown ups do when they want to have a baby. Then just tell her that daddy and mommy had sex to make her...she doesn't need to know more than that.

If she knows about sperm and eggs and stuff then you can go more into it, but use your discretion and watch her reaction.
i have a daughter and im scared for that same question to pop up. but you know kids are doing things at such an earlier age and if u dont tell them im sure one of there friends will. but i asked my mom what a virgin was at an early age and she told me when u havent kissed a boy and i went around telling everyone i wasnt a virgin. so yikes. so i thought i was pregnant for like 4 years.
rememba she is onli 7 YEARS OLD!!! i didnt learn bout sex till 5th grade so i wud wait a few more years
Relax and sit down with your daughter. Just anwer in a family type voice and say: It means to sleep with someone of your opposite gender.

She is seven and she is growing. As children grows they developed this feeling of curiousity. So relax and answer in a family type tone. Good Luck!!!
just dont tell her at all say it is somthing else .and then just tell lets talk about this later

What is the little ~ thing that separates scenes in novels called?

i have no idea but i think its when the author changes the topic or jumps to a diff scene. sometimes it also represents time passing it can be all sorts a ~ symbol or a series of dots.

What is the little ~ thing that separates scenes in novels called?
Its called a flashback..or a point in the story that happened early in time
What is the little ~ thing that separates scenes in novels called?
That little squiggly thing is called a tilde.
im just guessing....

mabey a chapter?

dont rust me im just guessing
  • spanish name for boy
  • hair bands
  • Parents, do you fish for info from other parents about ur school?

    I have 2 kids in elementary school, am not on the PTA, volunteer when I can. I actively try to gather information about school like who are the good teachers, what kind of curriculum in higher grades, what onsite afterschool activities are good, and in general parents opinion on the school and principal etc.

    I do it by casually talking to parents at school during drop off and pickup, or at local parties and other events. If they seem like they want to talk(like me!), I continue a little bit or change the topic/move on. And I do give my frank opinion if they are interested.

    I was wondering if there are other parents(not part of the in-crowd of parents at school) who nevertheless actively try to gather info about school from other parents? Just curious.
    Parents, do you fish for info from other parents about ur school?
    PTO moms do the same thing. I'm not sure what that has to do with the question.

    I think it's a part of responsible parenting to try to find out information about the place where your children are spending large parts of their days %26amp; the people they are spending that time with.

    I'll always talk on the playgrounds %26amp; around town with other parents (PTO or not) about the school, if they know anything about it or if they want to know anything.
    Parents, do you fish for info from other parents about ur school?
    I always hang around my mom when she talks to other parents mainly because I need a ride somewhere. She doesn't quote on quote 'gather' information, but she picks things up. Like if another parent says one teacher is really good or something, then she'll remember, and hope that one of my brothers or sister will have that teacher. I wouldn't say she goes 'fishing' for answers, but she does know quite a lot. I don't get what you mean by in-crowd, but she knows all the moms and is friends with all of them.
    I'm not a parent but my little sister is in fourth grade and I know that my mom does the exact same thing. She works two jobs so she can't really be active with things such as the PTA so this is her way of keeping up with everything.
    I do that all the time. I found out from one of the moms (and then a teacher) that the school my son should have gone to wasn't the best, especially for him. We would have had a miserable year, I think, had I not known that. As long as I steer clear of straight gossip, I'll chat with other moms and dads to see about school.
    I think I know what you are talking about. I also have kids in elementary school, and there are parents (mostly on the PTA board or friends of PTA board members, or friends of the principal) who happen to know more about the less publicized school stuff. This is the in-crowd in our area, and I am not part of it :-)

    I do make a conscious attempt to be aware of school related news that does not show up in newsletters. I speak to other parents, even the older kids my kid carpools with, and get a lot of feedback on lot of things. So, yes, I do actually fish for info, but I also am sure to put it in proper perspective.

    I've got to know lot of inside info on issues like teacher assignment, gifted and talented program, school council elections, talent show policies, teacher's opinion about some pesky parents :-)

    It is an art to gather info, but not appear to be a busybody!!!
    Of course, I think we all do this. I wouldn't necessarily call it fishing because I think it's part of normal parent conversation.

    Last year during little league I found just about all the parents compared schools and daycares and teachers and pediatricians. So I think this is a very normal part of parenting!
    There is an %26quot;in%26quot; crowd of parents? I honestly hadn't noticed. We live by experience. No two parents (or students) will feel the same way about one teacher. After school activities are determined by my children's interest. If they don't like it, they move on to something else. I guess my answer is no, I don't %26quot;fish%26quot;. I just have general conversations like a normal person.

    How long do the effects of heroin last?

    How long does its high last?

    (To those who answered my previous question, I changed my topic to this drug.)
    How long do the effects of heroin last?
    The effects vary depending on the purity of the heroin.

    Also it varies depending on the body mass of the taker, whether they've taken anything else ( esp. alcohol, methodone, valium etc.)

    And it depends if it's their first time or if they are an addict.

    Anything between 30 mins and 10 hrs I would say from experience.

    heroin stays in the blood system for up to 30 hrs and can be detected by a urine test.

    Yes it's VERY physically addictive,whereas cocaine for example is not. If an addict doesn't have some for say 24hrs then he will suffer nasty withdrawals ( vomiting, cramps, dhiarroea, runny nose and plenty more)

    Psychollogically it is more addictive, the longer one uses it. Associations (thoughts) to do with places an addict has taken it, bought it, commited a crime to afford it ; These can all 'trigger' withdrawal symptoms and ultimately make the person 'need' or crave another fix.

    Associations to do with how it is taken (e.g. he might start withdrawals if he usually smokes it and suddenly sees some tin foil, or if injecting he might see a syringe on tv. etc)

    These associative symptoms are pretty much endless.

    a parent or concerned friend might notice 'nodding off' in a chair etc

    Or very small pupils (as opposed to dilated for cocaine users)

    Heart rate slows, breathing may become shallow and esp. in ovrdose cases, lips go blue and people can stop breathing altogether.

    Help for O.D. is from ambulance only. But it must be quick!

    Help for those who want to quit often starts with a referral from a doctor.

    Advice and help can be found online at Talk to Frank (i think it's They operate in the U.K. and offer advice about the effects of all drugs including alcohol. They can also give numbers to call for your local Drug Treatment Centres or Narcotics Anonymous.

    One of the best help things in recent years are the groups who give advice and help parents of users cope with what is indeniably a difficult issue to understand.

    If it was easy to understand, then much less people would get into addictive drugs in the 1st place. Unfortunately we never learn before it's too late.

    It is a hard thing to beat addiction, but thousands of addicts do quit every year, and thousands never touch the stuff again.

    But it can take a long time! (24yrs for me!)

    Hope this helps

    p.s. 'forever' is true as I still have to deal with my past and cope with my future. But it is an unhelpful and trite response which only serves to reinforce the bland media stereotype of those (like you) who don't 'get' drugs.

    You may as easily say that the effects of Food last forever: we are all addicted to that, can o.d. from it and it messes up millions of people!

    Can't wait to see what happens when 'peak oil' hits and we all need %26quot;autos Anonymous%26quot;
    How long do the effects of heroin last?

    I can't find any famous poems for my stupid poetry project?

    I have to find 5 poems by 5 famous poets that have the same topic. I tried love but it was too hard-all of the poems were ridiculous and confusing. I changed my topic to inspiration, hope, and motivation and I've only found 3 poems. Does anyone know of any PUBLISHED/famous poems that follow these topics?
    I can't find any famous poems for my stupid poetry project?
    Use some of your favorite song lyrics, granted that they're pre-90's songs. Modern song lyrics aren't very meaningful or poetic.

    I suggest something by bands like The Doors, Rush, Dire Straits, or the Beatles, as they tended to write some pretty poetic stuff.
    I can't find any famous poems for my stupid poetry project?
    %26quot; A Psalm of Life%26quot; - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

    %26quot; Hope%26quot; - Emily Dickinson

    %26quot; Ulysses%26quot; - Alfred, Lord Tennyson

    How should I react when a friend says "You two should go out!" in front of my crush and I?

    I think I may of messed up (I was unprepared for that), because I changed the subject.

    I think that we like each other (we've been exchanging signs of interest), and even after I changed the topic of discussion, we still continued shooting signals to each other.

    If a friend says that again, how should I react?
    How should I react when a friend says %26quot;You two should go out!%26quot; in front of my crush and I?
    %26quot;I'm down for that ;)%26quot;

    Say something, that states you agree.
    How should I react when a friend says %26quot;You two should go out!%26quot; in front of my crush and I?
    Just wink at him. You don't need to say anything.
    if you like him, then maybe you would be flattered!
    say to him, jokingly but kinda serious, what do you think? that way you arent stating you definitly want to, so if he says no are doesnt react like he wants to, then you wont feel embarassed.
    Telling her ,%26quot;Are you been serious?%26quot;
    Blush and make eye contact with your crush. Since you already know or think you know he likes you, sit close to him, touch him discreetly, give him definite signs that you do like him. Or say %26quot;I have always wanted to go to ...... maybe we should go sometime and check it out......%26quot;, %26quot;I was wanting to see this movie, ..... are you interested in going?%26quot; or something like that.

    Why would he change the topic from “US” to a date?

    Perhaps he wanted to date you?
  • recipe for milk cake
  • drawing a circle
  • How do I hold a conversation with a hot girl?

    There is this hot girl that wants me to call her. I'm cool with her and all but i know that once i start talking and we need a change in topic ill have the crazy mental block. Personally i think its because shes hot because with not so hot girls I could talk for ever. It would be nice for you to give me some advice and some conversation topics I could use.

    Please don't say be yourself or pretend shes ugly please. Doesn't work :'(
    How do I hold a conversation with a hot girl?
    For one, get over the fact she's hot. Really, there are too many hot women out there to get your balls in a bunch over it.

    I've been nervous talking to guys on the phone so I feel for you. Think about the stuff you talk about with other girls. Or have a conversation with a girl and think about what your saying. Keep these in mind when the conversation starts and if she's cool, you won't have to think about it after 10 minutes. If you run out of things to say, listen to her and comment or make a few jokes.

    Good luck

    What is the one question Obama refuses to answer?

    It has been asked in every debate and dozens of other times. He always changes the topic or repeats a talking point but he will not answer this question about policy. What is it?
    What is the one question Obama refuses to answer?
    Given the current bleak economic situation, what is the first program or promise that he will cancel?
    What is the one question Obama refuses to answer?
    Why do you hate joe the plumber? He's invisible but he has feelings....
    Where he was born!
    Who he is voting for.
    What are you talking about? Surely you don't mean the stupid birth certificate story? Get over it. He was born in America.
    damn i dont know. i'm too busy trying to process all the flawed logic spewing out of his and other politicians mouths.
    Are you and Cheney really cousins?
    How would you not bankrupt the US healthcare system?
    Where he plans on getting the money to achieve his trillion dollars of spending while lowering taxes at the same time?
    Why his mother sent him back to Hawaii from Indonesia, but she didn't return state-side herself?
    %26quot;Was McCain trying to grab your *** as you were leaving the stage following the final debate?%26quot;鈥?/a>
    Is sarah palin fit to be the VP or P
    Presidential Techniques to be appreciated .
    He never gets pinned down on specifics. He always will talk about generalities.
    Actually the question was in the debate, %26quot;How much is the fine for not insuring children?%26quot;
    Are you a Third ComIntern dupe or a Third ComIntern operative?...
    He hasn't answered any.....notice when posed a serious question, he starts stammering %26amp; stuttering with the 'uh-uh-uhs....%26quot; pathetic, but that's a natural born LIAR!

    PS---Joe in Texas! I LOVE my cowboys---are you one? Let's then save our country and vote McCain/Palin! Thank you.
    Where he was born.
    Anything %26quot;above his paygrade.%26quot;

    Are international marketing and international consumer behavior the same subject?

    I wanted to write a research paper on international marketing, but my professor changed my topic to international consumer behavior. Aren't those two the same? Please help! Thanks!
    Are international marketing and international consumer behavior the same subject?
    No they are not.

    It's more like consumer behavior is an entity of marketing. Marketing is getting the product/service out there. Consumer behavior determines how they market it. Totally different.

    How comfortable are you with talking about sexuality?

    I don't mean gay and straight specifically, but just sex in general. If someone poses a question, are you the type to cover your ears and suggest a change in topic, or are you more likely to join in on the conversation?
    How comfortable are you with talking about sexuality?
    I am comfortable with such topics... i always join the conversation.. but again it depends on person.. i cant go on talking on these topic with everyone....!!
    How comfortable are you with talking about sexuality?
    A little bit of both.
    If my family members are not around me then I'm not shy.
    Sex is a totally normal thing, there is nothing wrong with talking about it.

    And to be honest I like talking about sex.
    Not very comfortable. I won't exactly shy away from the conversation, but I would add little, and not be quite in my element.
    Very comfortable.
    Call me. We'll talk.
    Yes I am.



    Please tellme where to find an article on the following topic?

    the topic is -'changes in the cropping patterns in the world in past one decade.'please do help me please.
    Please tellme where to find an article on the following topic?
    You can look up the following sites,

    Good luck

    Recent Growth Patterns in the U.S. Organic Foods Market. (PDF)

    ... summarizes growth patterns in the U.S. organic sector in recent years, by market ... Center, is a long-term comparison of seven cropping systems with various鈥?- 317k - View as html - More from this site

    ERS/USDA Briefing Room -Agricultural Biotechnology: Marketing, Labeling ...

    The recent surge in agricultural biotechnology has ... capital, international and national cropping patterns, the amount of production, and prices.鈥?- 34k - Cached - More from this site

    Special Report: MOZAMBIQUE - 4 June 2002

    6.2 Current food insecurity features and patterns. 6.3 Coping mechanisms ... that cash crops are becoming important in the cropping pattern of small farmers.鈥?- 135k - Cached - More from this site

    All Content on InfoQ about Design Patterns

    ... threading problems, and using aspects to simplify design pattern implementation. ... Recent discussions have introduced new distinctions useful for - 29k - Cached - More from this site

    nifkin's bookmarks tagged with %26quot;patterns%26quot; on

    ... .us / nifkin / patterns. popular | recent. login | register ... Pattern Library ... A new AJAX convention cropping up in a few places, one that is - 78k - Cached - More from this site

    Soil nutrient limitations of intensive rice-wheat cropping patterns of ... (PDF)

    ... enterprise budgets and comparisons with cropping pattern histories and soil test ... on wheat is a recent practice. Since wheat's inception during鈥?paper with abstract.pdf - 119k - View as html - More from this site


    ... complex diversification patterns of agricultural cropping systems found under ... diversification in recent years is the popular planting pattern of autumn鈥?- 30k - Cached - More from this site

    Malawi Environmental Monitoring Programme Trip Report February - May, 1998

    III. Effect of Changes in Cropping Pattern on Erosion ... of the data suggests that cropping patterns made negligible difference in the鈥?- 29k - Cached - More from this site

    Total Factor Productivity Growth in the Post颅Green Revolution ...

    In Pakistan especially, recent estimates of total factor productivity show ... of technological progress, changes in cropping patterns, and land degradation.鈥?- 5k - Cached - More from this site
    Please tellme where to find an article on the following topic?
    You are welcome.

    I just wrote your topic in the search box.

    i wish you good luck

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  • hair weave
  • in the bath tub
  • LGBT: Do you ever get angry about injustices?

    For class we had to choose a disadvantaged group in education, and I chose LGBT students. I thought this would make the topic interesting for me.

    But doing the research is just making me angry haha. I don't have time to change topics now.

    Just makes me think about how society is so intolerant still.

    Since I've told people I'm gay, I've noticed my male friends hardly ever touch me. You know, no hugs or arms over the shoulder. Maybe I'm just lonely haha.
    LGBT: Do you ever get angry about injustices?
    Yes, very. Almost got expelled from private middle school in religion class :D
    LGBT: Do you ever get angry about injustices?
    Sorry, that's not injustice.

    It's called %26quot;Freedom of Association.%26quot;

    There is no law that says other people *have* to like you.

    And, therefore, no %26quot;injustice.%26quot;

    Why did you choose to come out? When you *knew* what the result would be? And if you didn't know, you made an uninformed decision.

    Sorry, but if people don't like you, that's their choice.

    Justice has nothing to do with it.

    Find some new friends!
    Yeah nothing gets me angrier. I sometimes lose sleep because of it.;鈥?/a> take a look please

    What is a simple formula for meters per second?

    I need a formula like (something= meters/second). I am doing a lab write up for Range of movement, the topic I picked was %26quot;Is there a differance in speed between men and women?%26quot;. Should I change that topic question? Also, is there any good theories on men and women Frequency and stride measurements or any easy graphs?
    What is a simple formula for meters per second?
    What is a simple formula for meters per second?
    What Babby said.
    %26quot;per%26quot; usually means divide

    %26quot;meters per second%26quot; means meters divided by seconds, ie, distance in meters divided by time in seconds.

    unit length/unit time=meters/second

    I have a paper due in calculus and i need a topic that measures change?

    THE TOPIC IS SUPPOSED TO BE ABLE TO MEASURE CHANGE, I AM SUPPOSED TO SHOW MEASUREMENTS AND RELATIONSHIPS... i really need help cause i have no idea what he is talkin bout
    I have a paper due in calculus and i need a topic that measures change?
    What kind of change? Such as position, velocity, and acceleration? For this you can measure the amount it takes you to travel from one spot to the other. Also, for this you can use CBLs and a TI graphing calculator which measures motion.

    velocity = (delta d) / (delta t)

    acceleration = (delta v) / (delta t)

    Or exponential growth and decay? For this you can find statistics on population or animal growth in a certain area.

    N = N (0) e ^ (-kt)
    I have a paper due in calculus and i need a topic that measures change?
    In some cases it is wake up and smell the roses. In your case it is wake up and listen to the instructor. You have almost a full semester under your beld and you are just now realizing you don't have a clue. Where have you been?

    Your topic could be the measurable difference of those students paying attention, and passing as compared to those not paying attentiion and failing.pp

    Is the typewriter a good National History Day project?

    The theme is Innovation in History: Impact and Change. Innovation involves some kind of change. The topic also needs to have a significant impact and change. Is the typewriter a good topic?
    Is the typewriter a good National History Day project?
    If you're interested in writing, the printing press would probably have had a much more significant impact. But I think the typewriter could be an intriguing project.

    How can I stop my friends from gossiping?

    I have several friends in college who only talk to me about their relationships with other people. They always tell me who they had sex with last night, or what clothes their friends were wearing. I love my friends, but I am tired of listening to this bullshit. How can I change the topic of conversation to something more interesting? I love to talk about travel, psychology, books, music, food, hiking, meditation, and animals.
    How can I stop my friends from gossiping?
    Get some friends, who actually have brains.
  • drivers for wow
  • structuretoptr
  • Why do people initiate discussion on religion to prove their point?

    Doesn't that mean you've already assumed that you are correct, the other person's religion is wrong and you are trying to bring them to the path which you perceive to be the truth?

    Isn't the very assumption that someone else's religion is wrong a disrespect to that faith?

    You try to change the topic and they don't allow you to. And these people mostly end up being offended if you end up proving your point instead. If the taste of defeat is so sour, why try to subject others to it?
    Why do people initiate discussion on religion to prove their point?
    well this is common ....and in all section ...except math questions ...which are 2 + 2 = 4......there are other section also ...having wide range of dfferences of opinions ....and its natural in any society .........but main aim should be to analyse rationally ...for self education /correction .....on the basis of humanity
    Why do people initiate discussion on religion to prove their point?
    mohammad was the only person who ever travel up to the allah heaven. allah upon hearing mohammad was coming up to heaven on his night journey ran down from the 7th heaven to the first and lowered a ladder down from the first heaven and allowed mohammad to climb up to heaven. allah wanted muslims to pray to him 50 times a day but all knowing mohammad told allah that was to many. so allah lowered it to 5 times a day. people really need to talk about this.

    How do I start a conversation with a woman I like?

    There's this woman I like and we are coworkers. However every time we get together outside of work it seems that all we do is talk about work. I want to get to know her, but I have no idea how to change the topic. I've tried but at the end of the night it's all about work. How do I make the transition from talking about work to...well anything else?
    How do I start a conversation with a woman I like?
    ask have you ever type questions then transition into something that she could use to talk about herself. Basically try to turn the conversation into things you think she may like then try to get her out of the talking all about work. You have to ask questions for sure.
    How do I start a conversation with a woman I like?
    ask her how her days is going
    You could relate work-like problems to other situations. Being humorous is a good way 2 change conversations, and girls love it when you open up and talk about family, and your life at home.
    ask her how was your day then if she say something nice try to say something like going out to somewhere
    In discussing work, has she mentioned any other interests? no matter how simple it may sound...for instance you are griping about work (one of my favorite hobbies) and she mentions that she is working extra hours to be able to pay for ______ (lets say a motorcycle). Pick up on that, and steer the conversation toward it. If you don't know anything about it, have her to explain or go into detail about it. If it is a mutual interest, that is wonderful! Tell her that maybe the two of you should go out for a ride sometime. Of course the MC is just a for instance, but you get the hint. If she mentions that she has helped or is taking care of a sick friend or relative, ask in the next conversation how the person is doing. It will show that you are interested in her as a person. Of course, you are going to have to be sincere or she is going to see right through you.

    If you have not had this type of information interjected, let her rant and get it out, then say %26quot;OK, enough of the stuff that gets on our nerves, what do you like to do when you are away from the office? what do you do to relax? Did you see the movie ____?%26quot;

    As long as you show a genuine interest, you can get her to talk about other things.

    Best wishes!

    How do I start a conversation with a woman I like?

    There's this woman I like and we are coworkers. However every time we get together outside of work it seems that all we do is talk about work. I want to get to know her, but I have no idea how to change the topic. I've tried but at the end of the night it's all about work. How do I make the transition from talking about work to...well anything else?
    How do I start a conversation with a woman I like?
    Ask about her hobbies, interests, family and friends. This will hopefully help you change the topic from work.

    How can I stop my friends from gossiping?

    I have several friends in college who only talk to me about their relationships with other people. When I hang out with them, they tell me who they had sex with last night, or what clothes their friends were wearing. I love my friends, but I am tired of listening to this bullshit. How can I change the topic of conversation to something more interesting? I love to talk about travel, psychology, books, music, food, hiking, meditation, and animals.
    How can I stop my friends from gossiping?
    They need ears to talk to. - Just execuse yourself.

    And 'mark' them as having low integrity.
    How can I stop my friends from gossiping?
    Get male friends. They'll be really fun to be with since they won't be gossiping 24/7.

    That way you'll have a win-win. Otherwise you could easily tell them to ease off the gossiping and bring up another subject. If they were genuinely good friends, they would understand.
    Just tell them to talk about something else and every time they start gossiping, change the subject or ignore them.

    or get some new friends with your same interests
    You can pretty much only lead by example; people are always going to talk, and unfortunately it does get really old to others.

    Next time it comes up, if you don't really want to confront them about it, change the subject to something you would rather talk about, either gently or you can make it obvious if you want it to BE obvious.

    If that doesn't work, I would say something like how it makes you feel when there's nothing BUT gossip to talk about. That it drains you, brings you down, etc.

    If they're your friend, they'll respect it and move along with you.

    Hope it works out!
    Well, to be a good friend is to listen to other people about their problems or concerns (to a certain point) so just listen and acknowledge that you hear them without necessary taking a side. More often then not, they just want someone to hear them. However, be aware that you may become looped into the gossip circle eventually. The best policy, don't talk crap about someone just because everyone else is partaking in it, unless you honestly coincide with the gossip and at anytime;would be willing to say the same thing to the person's face.
    Well i had that same question once, but when i tried to figure out a way to stop friends from gossiping it didn't work.

    But maybe it will work for you, just remind them that talking about other people behind their backs is a bad thing to do, because who knows, maybe other people are talking behind your backs, and you don't want that to spread around.
  • dog hair
  • read orf file
  • How can I stop my friends from gossiping?

    I have several friends in college who only talk to me about their relationships with other people. When I hang out with them, they tell me who they had sex with last night, or what clothes their friends were wearing. I love my friends, but I am tired of listening to this bullshit. How can I change the topic of conversation to something more interesting? I love to talk about travel, psychology, books, music, food, hiking, meditation, and animals.
    How can I stop my friends from gossiping?
    They need ears to talk to. - Just execuse yourself.

    And 'mark' them as having low integrity.
    How can I stop my friends from gossiping?
    Get male friends. They'll be really fun to be with since they won't be gossiping 24/7.

    That way you'll have a win-win. Otherwise you could easily tell them to ease off the gossiping and bring up another subject. If they were genuinely good friends, they would understand.
    Just tell them to talk about something else and every time they start gossiping, change the subject or ignore them.

    or get some new friends with your same interests
    You can pretty much only lead by example; people are always going to talk, and unfortunately it does get really old to others.

    Next time it comes up, if you don't really want to confront them about it, change the subject to something you would rather talk about, either gently or you can make it obvious if you want it to BE obvious.

    If that doesn't work, I would say something like how it makes you feel when there's nothing BUT gossip to talk about. That it drains you, brings you down, etc.

    If they're your friend, they'll respect it and move along with you.

    Hope it works out!
    Well, to be a good friend is to listen to other people about their problems or concerns (to a certain point) so just listen and acknowledge that you hear them without necessary taking a side. More often then not, they just want someone to hear them. However, be aware that you may become looped into the gossip circle eventually. The best policy, don't talk crap about someone just because everyone else is partaking in it, unless you honestly coincide with the gossip and at anytime;would be willing to say the same thing to the person's face.
    Well i had that same question once, but when i tried to figure out a way to stop friends from gossiping it didn't work.

    But maybe it will work for you, just remind them that talking about other people behind their backs is a bad thing to do, because who knows, maybe other people are talking behind your backs, and you don't want that to spread around.

    Hey does anybody know an interest theme that maybe could interrupt a current conversation and change the topic

    anyone it doesn't care any controversial theme, one on that i can get the attention of somone even if it's talking about something, a topic that easily could change the conversation topic, it could sound stupid that question but i need more attention, so is there any topic? i feel generous about giving points!!!!
    Hey does anybody know an interest theme that maybe could interrupt a current conversation and change the topic
    topic: i have watermelons in my garden, would you like to have one?

    my topic would be: did you see the documentary on kim peek? he is the autistic genius that dustin haufman portrayed in the movie rainman.

    i will see that documentary again. it was that goood.
    Hey does anybody know an interest theme that maybe could interrupt a current conversation and change the topic
    mangled baby ducks...
    %26quot;Go ahead, keep talking, I'm just changing the channel to the race; I heard that Danica Patrick's rack is really visible through her racing outfit!%26quot;

    How to write a tutorial discussion based on the topic - climate change: managing the global green house??

    i hv to do a class tutorial disussion, i dun noe how to start with, the topic is - climate change; managing the global greenhouse... and it's a 30 mins long tutorial disscussion,, i hv to do wif other 4 members,, and i do the intro. part..

    how should i start wif the intro?

    thank you =]
    How to write a tutorial discussion based on the topic - climate change: managing the global green house??
    An introduction should do three basic things:

    1) State what it is your presentation / discussion is about.

    2) Give the reasons / motivations for your presentation.

    3) Provide an outline for your presentation.

    I would also suggest that you exercise better grammar in your introduction than you used in asking this question.
    How to write a tutorial discussion based on the topic - climate change: managing the global green house??
    Ok.. I am not a proponent of manmade global warming per se but I believe there is a warming trend as of late. I also think that smog is a problem even if it isn't contributing to any warming that is going on.

    What is good about this discussion, is regardless of why it is occuring, is that lives will be saved and made better by cleaning the atmosphere.

    There is a lot of rhetoric on both sides but I have provided a link and find Dr. Singer and he talks about it and he will give you some ideas for your project.

    Why can't my boyfriend leave the sex topic for once?

    Lately I have been getting really frustrated with my relationship with my boyfriend. One thing being that all he seems to be interested in is flirting sexually. Even when I try to change the topic, he still brings it back to sex.

    This is affecting the way I feel about him. Sometimes I think he has an empty personality, or that we can't bond emotionally. We've been together for 3 years now.

    What can I do?
    Why can't my boyfriend leave the sex topic for once?
    Well, honestly, it's kind of hard to give you a legitimate answer not knowing anything about him, but I can tell you that his emotional attatchment is definitely what has enhanced his lust for you. Men and women have completely different ways of connecting with each other, and it means a lot to a man who remains monogamous with a woman for her to be completely open with him sexually. Intimate sex with a meaningful girl is the equivalent to lithium for a bipolar person. There is a really weird chemical balance in our brains when we become sexually gratified with a girl we really care about, and it's not as bad as everyone makes it out to be.

    The main perception that is stereotyped against guys is that we just want to get ours and get out. The only time this is true is out of masochism, and usually caused from a past relationship where the girl caused an emotional wreck with his ego. Hence %26quot;rebellion%26quot;. Seeing that this is not the case after 3 years of investment in your relationship, my suggestion is to make him have more incentives to want to satisfy you instead of just sharing himself with you 24/7. When you're on the phone and he brings up something sexually just hang up the phone. When he calls back asking why you hung up present your frustration with his constant sexual conversations and that you have other things you need to talk to him about.

    You know him better than I, but when I get carried away with intimacy this always keeps me in line.
    Why can't my boyfriend leave the sex topic for once?
    if he were sexually satisfied, then maybe it wouldnt preoccupy his mind all the time?
    if you feel uncomfortable then it's time to go.

    it's time to dump him.


    who cares if its 3 days, 3 months or 3 years.

    he's got a one track mind. and that track does not meet ends with yours.

    take the next train outta there and dump him fast.
    OMG!! Look at you : ) If I was dating you all I would want is sex also, your a FOX!!

    Really though, your smoken a-s-s hot!!

    EDIT------- Why thumbs down guys? I gave her a good answer and let her know how hot she is. This should be

    BEST ANSWER!! If I had this girl as my girlfriend I'd want to have sex with her all the time also. So what? LOOK at her : )
    Sounds like he just wants to have fun. Don't be so quick to jump ship after 3 years, maybe tell him how you feel see where that takes you.
    If that is you in your avatar congratulations you are gorgeous.

    Back to your question, flirting keeps the relationship fun and interesting but obviously you need to be able to connect on a deeper level as well. Try a few deep conversations and see how they go.
    After a three year association together, some would find a continuing healthy sexual interest to be a good thing, especially when you consider how easily interests wane in other you have to honestly ask yourself if you really want this relationship because it's unrealistic to expect guys to react in non-guylike ways.
    I think 3 years is enough to have sex, think hes just trying to take it to the next level, and yes you should do it with him. Hope this helped, really, if you feel like you should, PLZ, choose me as best answer, really need the points.
    Apparently...for him...your relationship is based upon one way or another. The only kind of 'bonding' he's interested in is at the hip.

    I'll wager you're young and have been sexually active for a long time now. He's used to indulging sex...or sexual behavior with you....and isn't happy doing anything but this.

    What can you do? can cut him off for a while. If he strays...or leaves know for sure to were a 'sperm outlet'.

    Or...ditch him...and quit wasting your time.
    well, i assume that he is your ae and you look young... so all he has flowing through his body is hormones. He is most likely at his sexual high, and you will get there at the end of your 30's... unfortunately all I can say is that I had the same problem as well with my bf back then, and I would sit him down and talk to him about it. If that doesn't help, and it really just annoys you... find a new one. Remember, there are a lot of good men out there... not just one.

    Good luck to you.
    all men think about is SEX
    well maybe in your mind your having enough sex but maybe not in his you might want to sit down %26amp; talk to him %26amp; then let him know how your feeling %26amp; compare notes so to speak
    thats all he wants..just leave him
    becuse all men think about is SEX

    tell him what his problem is

    then tell him to get a life

    What is the history of treatments for depression?

    I have to do a research paper on how the treatments for depression have changed over time. I was wondering if you could help me find a website that clearly states how over time the tactics have changed, or help me write an outline?

    Thank you to anybody that can help! I am getting frusterated :/ And no, I cannot changed my topic.
    What is the history of treatments for depression?
    Do your own research. I just typed in history of depression and about 15 pages of websites came up. The internet is not the best place for research as the sources cannot be validated many times. Check out books that may contain historical information on depression treatments. Ask your librarian where you can look.
    What is the history of treatments for depression?
    Lookup the history of cognitive behavioral therapy ( or non-medicated therapy) for depression and drug (medicated therapy) therapy for depression. These are two different approaches in treating depression, both having an interesting history.

    You should be able to find plenty of info for a research paper, and be able to make comparisons.
  • bacne treatment advise
  • client time
  • What do girls mean when talking publicly about sex in office?

    We are couple of friends 20-30 year old (boys%26amp;girls) at office. Sometime when eating lunch together, especially on Fridays, girls start talking about different positions of sex which one of their friends choose when having sex! All the times I become quiet and wait for them to change the topic. What do you think is in their mind?
    What do girls mean when talking publicly about sex in office?
    They just want to brag and make it sound as if they have a very active and adventurous sex life. Just ignore them or say something weird like %26quot;I was wondering why someone stole and dumped Voltaire's body. Maybe I can retrieve it after all these years....%26quot;

    That will change the subject. Most people just talk rubbish when they are at work, they just like to fit in with people they would probably never see, and probably couldn't stand deep down. You can always pretned you have to make a call and leave the room. When you come back, and if they ask you, you could just tell that you had a call and change the subject to whatever you want, relating it back to the call. You can say you must use the loo, or you forgot something at the office. If this is too hard, and if they ever ask you, you could just say you go with the flow and that different things work with different guys, so as the guys change, so do your preferences according to what the current guy is good at. That is answering without answering! I feel for you though, I have been in the same situation, but you just have to try the subject if you can. If nothing else works, say something like 'hey is it true Michael Jackson wore a wig most his life?'

    See what works for you. I wish you luck!!
    What do girls mean when talking publicly about sex in office?
    They have sex on their minds because they're healthy, vibrant, sexual people.

    You on the other hand don't sound very comfortable with the topic.
    their horny.

    and probably like you [=
    its what we girls do!!! we are very comfortable with discussing that kinda stuff. :)
    it means they are slut whores, id take the chance n ask em all mate
    they sound like they want the attention. they enjoy sleeping around because it makes them feel desired and they like to talk about it for the same reasons. i think discussing stuff like that is okay within small or close groups, but outside of that it just seems vulgar and attention driven. you should just ignore them and not give in to their foolish slutty girl games.

    Nail Care: How do you make your nails grow faster and stronger?

    I have been bitting my nails for a while and im finally done hiding my hands all the time, i have really bad skin under my nails and its like gross and i hide my hands all the time. I have a boyfriend and im insecure to hold hands with him. I am 16 and im done with being shy and nervous about my hands, whenever it gets brought up i change the topic so quick.

    I need advise on how to make them grow, thank you guys.
    Nail Care: How do you make your nails grow faster and stronger?
    There are some clear nail polishes that are made to make your nails grow faster and protect them. If you have bad skin under your nails and it looks like an infection I would go see a Dr.
    Nail Care: How do you make your nails grow faster and stronger?
    Using biotin pills to add as a part of your diet helps to make your nails grow fast and stronger, it also makes your hair stronger too :)

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    Persuasive speech topic?

    I need to do a persuasive speech but has to do with a question of policy. I have all this informatio n about how the media affects young girls body image but i don't know how to put that into a question of policy. Is there a way or should i change my topic. If i have to change my topic, any ideas?
    Persuasive speech topic?
    I think your teacher is looking for a topic in which there is already an established policy in place. For example, a hot topic right now is the topic of teachers/faculty carrying guns on a campus to help deter school violence. Most current policies do not allow any faculty member to carry a concealed weapon even if they are licensed to carry one. You could argue for the change of the policy citing many recent school shootings, or you could argue that more damage could be done if the policy was changed....
    Persuasive speech topic?
    You could use your information to advocate a policy restricting negative portrayal of women in media. Though I think you might be better off advocating against any such laws and use the information you have as a sort of counterpoint that you can address in your speech. Teachers like it when you consider the other side and address it when you are trying to be persuasive.

    If you are the director of Tomb Raider 1, what will you change about the movie?

    Do you want change the topic of Tomb Raider 1? Do you want change the characters? Do you want change some fake scenes? Do you want add more new scenes? Tell me what ever you want to do about this movie to make it more vivid and attractive锛?Thank you very much~!
    If you are the director of Tomb Raider 1, what will you change about the movie?
    I would want to add more scenes like fighting scenes to make Tomb Raider 1 so Epic your brain just might EXPLODE just to see how epic it is!
    If you are the director of Tomb Raider 1, what will you change about the movie?
    I would make more impressive action fight scenes like the ones in Mr. %26amp; Mrs. Smith. Also add more dangerous traps and monster like effects.

    Can any of you guys prove the existence of a Christian God and how the unmoved mover created the world.?

    Aristotle said that the unmoved mover was a thinking on thinking, meaning that it thinks of itself at all time and its not capable of ever changing its topic. Its thoughts and itself are one. The unmved mover is its own thoughts. If that is so then the unmoved mover is immaterial, so how did its on self contemplation lead to the existence of all other things? Also even if the unmoved mover exists how can one prove that the Christian God exists ?
    Can any of you guys prove the existence of a Christian God and how the unmoved mover created the world.?
    You may prove that the unmoved mover exists and that it has no

    potency but is pure act. Just from that a lot follows in the form

    of what such an object is not. To prove existence it is not necessary

    to know the nature of such a thing, but only to infer it

    from other things. This will be the best that unaided reason can

    do. You will not be able to prove from first principles, as we

    understand them per collective agreement, that

    the prime mover is a christian God, nor will you be able to

    prove that the prime mover created because as the scholastics say,

    the newness of the world cannot be demonstrated from the world.

    To see how far the unmoved mover can be pushed as a concept

    i recommend the Summa Theologica. Any more than the

    unmoved mover and it's deducible %26quot;properties%26quot; would have to be

    a revealed,external theory.
    Can any of you guys prove the existence of a Christian God and how the unmoved mover created the world.?
    you won't like my answer,

    but i can tell you from just plain experiences i have had that there IS a good god.

    whether or not it is THE god christians worship is another question.

    No one can prove the existence of a god or God, so believers in that God must have faith and trust he is real.
    Prove through the scientific method? No.

    Talk about plausibility? Yes.

    Do I know specifically how he created it? How in the world could I know that other than what Genesis 1 teaches?
    Is a proof required?
    You're here, aren't you? You're awfully complex of a being to just happen all the sudden. Don't you think there was some planning involved?
    Gods cannot be proved for they are created in our minds. They are concepts, and as such can be created or destroyed in our minds, with a quick snap of the fingers.
    Go as deep as your mind will let you, on the meaning of faith. Your atoms, that make up your body,were,are, and will forever be as so much dust in the wind.
    The unmoved mover isn't immaterial, it is immaterial materializing. Nothing is true. God exists as much as he is unreal. Any statement you can make is a contradiction of something else.

    If the world is too complex to just be and requires a creator then he too is too complex. This is equally true for every other idea.
    The Christian God is defined as undefinable... so cannot be proved.

    If the unmoved mover was thinking of itself all the time, incapable of changing its topic, and we were somehow created by this unmoved mover, then we would be aware of those thoughts %26quot;of itself.%26quot;

    ...but that's not the case, is it?

    Neither is provable, I'd say.

    People will push their ideas on you-- but incomplete ideas don't make sense, do they?
  • get time from datetime
  • howtomovethingswithyourmind
  • What should I use for a topic for my analytical essay?

    I have an essay to write that has to be analytical with pros and cons on a current %26quot;problem%26quot;. My professor is sick of the abortion, change drinking age, etc topics that EVERYONE chooses. Our topics have to be sort of out of the box but i like it in the!
    What should I use for a topic for my analytical essay?
    Cell phone usage. May cause brain cancer from the radiowaves. (I am pretty sure they're radiowaves, but they could be gamma rays... I don't know, you'd have to look it up. It's been a while!) But you may find them useful in an emergency situation, or to keep in contact with friends... or something. You could probably think of a lot more pros and cons.

    Maybe going to war. Answer a question like %26quot;Is war really a choice?%26quot; There are a lot of obvious pros and cons for that. But it's a topic that no one will think of (unless they do the Iraq war with America, or some other situation like Darfur or Uganda). Just stay away from being one of those close-minded people who can't see both sides of it.

    What are allusions I can make on the topic of change?

    The allusions I make the most:

    1. Comparing 5 stages of grief and recovery to %26quot;seasons%26quot;

    2. Comparing growing pains and spiritual change to

    a. the pain and fear of a baby safe in the womb being pushed out into an unknown world, but finding joy afterwards that far exceeds the labor

    b. the emergence of a butterfly from a cocoon, and how the wings must dry before flying off freely

    3. Kahlil Gibran's quote %26quot;Pain is the breaking of the shell that encloses your understanding%26quot;

    4. Anything that shows that change in a relationship takes both people

    a. I often compare refusal to change to a %26quot;Chinese finger trap%26quot; where the more both people repel each other, they stay stuck, but if they both push to meet in the middle, they free themselves up

    b. A scale of justice, or an equation in math, that any change on one side is balanced by change on the other side. So that change happens mutually, and is not a matter of one side controlling the other.

    Is getting really strong natural highs a mental disorder?

    I find that whenever I'm around people I feel comfortable with I get a really strong high. I start acting extremely childish and playful. Getting distracted by everything, dancing to any song that comes on, I talk a lot, but it's not very coherent because I keep changing the topic every few seconds, and then running off and deciding to pretend I'm an animal or something. I'm aware of how crazy I'm acting but I don't feel that much in control. It usually takes a few hours, or using all my mental power to force myself to stand/ sit still for the high to run out. I don't think it's bipolar. Because I don't get depressed. I'm generally a very happy person. Though I do often go through days where I don't feel like talking to people or doing anything. But that's just laziness. XD So just wondering if it's anything I should ask a doctor about, or just be content with my ability to get high without ever needed any sort of substance.
    Is getting really strong natural highs a mental disorder?
    Doing some of the things you state is a bit extreme, but your just showing off for those you truly click with. It's a truly rare thing to find, so soak it in with moderation.

    It was a sad realization for me as a kid when I found out how rare it is to find true best friends, let alone a whole group of them that all click together.

    Most people just settle on a few friends and never experience the bond that kind of friendship can give you. Thankfully I found my group early on.

    I'd say cherish the feeling though you might want to tone it down a bit, because your enthusiasm is becoming more of a performance. Maybe do a group activity to burn off all that extra juice.

    Going days without being around or want to be around people is normal. You are busy with your own things and if you were stuck to your group 24/7 it would wear pretty thin quickly. It's better to savor then OD on a good thing.
    Is getting really strong natural highs a mental disorder?
    Yeah kid you have ADHD. No biggie, i used to be like that all time. I got meds for it though, they help A LOT. lol

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    ADHD ! Talk to your doctor.
    Netural highs are the BEST highs. Don't worry, be glad you don't need weed !!
    Someone here will try to tell you you're bipolar, but I'm here to tell whoever will say that to you NO WAY.

    You are a normal, ENERGETIC, bubbly, fun person. Everyone needs down time, especially when they're so active as you are, so it makes sense you will have some times you don't want to talk to anyone.

    If you're really worried though, I'll ask you if there are any migraines or headaches in the few days leading up to when you get the highest of your highs. And if you hear music. Coz some people have excessive pressure on their brains...for whatever medical reason...severe sinus allergies, for instance...and that can have something to do with triggering excessive moods. If you're really worried, tell a doctor, but I think you're probably just fine.
    Yes, the person who posted before was right - I am going to say it sounds like bipolar. If so it is no big deal - mood disorders have many effective treatments. You don't sound too worried, but I am guessing you are a little concerned or you would not have posted your question. You could take a bipolar test online and if it sounds like bipolar then you could see a professional for more expert evaluation and some suggestions about staying well. The online bipolar tests at the site below are the same ones the pros use and are available free. So far it sounds like you are having fun, but there is a danger if you are bipolar that you could get really manic or have a serious depression. Also, you may want to consider how much the people around you enjoy your behavior. Please take your health seriously and at least investigate a little. I hope things keep going well for you. Sarah
    I aggree with the person before... I think you might have ADHD

    Do people think that by changing the subject we are going to forget the original topic?



    Mercury pollution is harmful to humans, requiring real solutions.

    Response trying to change the subject:

    Global warming is a lie and Al Gore sucks.

    Original topic:

    Mercury pollution is harmful to humans, requiring real solutions
    Do people think that by changing the subject we are going to forget the original topic?
    Why are you against changing the topic? Are you racist?

    (That was sarcasm)

    The reason I brought up Warming is that we need real answers and not temporary fixes or patches if we want real change. We plug one whole to make another.

    Sorry I wasn't more clear before.
    Do people think that by changing the subject we are going to forget the original topic?
    I see Dick Tracy.
    spartacus, you have noticed the main method of GOP 'debate' here?

    If you mention environment, they hear you say global warming. Global warming is a hoax, therefore all environmental concerns are a hoax.

    It's really helpful to be simple minded.
    yes you will forget the original topic
    Well then I recommend we give up this silly plan to replace all light bulbs with fluorescent bulbs. That would be a good start.
    maybe. reading comprehension problems/ADD
    Mercury is poisonous and remains in your body, the body does not expel, the same with lead poisoining.

    Have you come up with how much pollution there is, there are usually standards to how high the emissions can go.

    Do we know the extent of mercury pollution and what are the effects of it. Is there reputable documentation that one can examine and cannot refute, so we can instill solutions.

    The first step is to understand the pollutent, mercury, and break it down, scientists are needed, research causes effects, solutions.

    There are none, it is there, you can't get rid of it just stop using it.
    One hundred, four-foot long fluorescent lamps

    contain about 4 grams of mercury. One mercury

    switch in a thermostat contains about 3 grams of

    mercury. The 0.5 grams of mercury that is

    typically found in a single thermometer could

    detectably pollute 5 million gallons of water in San

    Francisco Bay.Gauges, Manometers, and Thermometers:

    So with us all moving to the use of fluorescent lamps we may have a big problem. Al Gore is the one moving us to use them.

    Tyra banks show: list one incident when tyra changes the topic to her?

    Just one? How about every second of every show she's ever done, is that enough or do you want more? Turn the TV on, watch her for 10 seconds %26amp; you will see her turning everything around to talk about how wonderful she is!

    %26amp; remember... smile with your eyes, like her, that's the only way you will be a success in life!

    Stupid fake hypocrite woman!
    Tyra banks show: list one incident when tyra changes the topic to her?
    she does it all the matter what the topic is she always mention something about herself.
    Tyra banks show: list one incident when tyra changes the topic to her?
    uh. always? specially when she brings the girls from top model to be on her show.
    Tyra Banks is an awful show. She demonstrates exactly what you

    don't want to be like. She will never pick models prettier than her

    because she is so vane. Don't even watch her modeling show.

    She has a lot to learn.
    I can't think of one where she hasn't, she is almost as bad as Oprah or %26quot;Dr.%26quot; Phil, ridiculously self important. She really is an ***.
    she does it with everything. even if a guy came on there and said he had prostate problems she'd be like %26quot;omg girlfriend, so do i!%26quot;

    oh i when out with a guy like thta

    i that happend to me once

    oh when i was little i went thru that

    my mama did that to me

    blah blah blahhhhhh
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  • I need a topic for environmental change?

    Im doing an essay for college and I need an argument for environmental change such as renewable energy or recycling, Im sure you get the idea. What would be a good argument/thesis to change the environment?
    I need a topic for environmental change?
    hey i wrote a paper once on reducing you carbon footprint so maybe you could do something along those lines...its a great environmental topic!
    I need a topic for environmental change?
    Decrease the use of plastic bags. Here's why:

    Go reusable

    Go Reusable Bags!

    Twenty-Five Reasons to

    Go Reusable

    Go Reusable Bags!

    Spread the word,

    Get a sticker

    Disposable shopping bags 鈥?they're everywhere. The average American goes through six per week. So what's the big deal? Multiply that six by our current population (roughly 300 million) and it starts to add up. Here we've compiled 25 good reasons to pick up a reusable bag and make the next plastic bag you throw out your last.



    A plastic shopping bag can take anywhere from 15 to 1000 years to decompose. In a compressed landfill, deprived of atmosphere to help them biodegrade, paper bags don't fare much better.



    Plastic bags don't biodegrade, but are at risk for photo degradation, light exposure dissolving them into toxic polymer particles. Most often, when this happens, it happens in the ocean.



    The cost to recycle plastic bags so outweighs their value that most recycling facilities will not take them, leading more and more to just be thrown out with the rest of the trash.



    According to the Wall Street Journal, only 1% of plastic bags are recycled world-wide; the rest are left to live on indefinitely in landfills.



    The United States alone uses approximately 100 billion new plastic bags per year - the average person goes through between 350 and 500.



    Thanks to their light weight, plastic bags are the debris most likely to fly away from landfills, settling instead in trees, storm drains, beaches, and the ocean.



    Public agencies in California alone spend over $300 million on coastal litter clean-up per year.



    Plastic bags make up over 10% of washed-up debris polluting the US coastline.



    According to the British Antarctic Survey, discarded plastic bags have been found as far north as the Arctic Circle and as far south as The Falkland Islands.



    An estimated one million birds and 100,000 turtles and other sea animals die of starvation each year after ingesting discarded plastic bags which block their digestive tracks.



    Made from petroleum products and natural gas, plastic bags utilize nonrenewable resources, ultimately helping to drive up fuel prices.



    It takes 12 million barrels of oil to produce the amount of plastic bags the US uses per year.



    Think paper bags are better? The United States cuts down 14 million trees per year simply to supply the demand for paper shopping bags.



    It requires 13% more energy to produce one single paper bag than to produce two plastic bags.



    Made with chemicals processed at high temperatures, paper bag production releases many toxins into the atmosphere at much the same rate as plastic production.



    Paper bags weigh nearly ten times their counterparts in plastic, requiring more fuel to ship them out to stores.



    Despite their high recyclability factor, research shows that only 20% of paper bags end up recycled while the rest share a fate with their plastic brethrens.



    In landfills, paper bags produce over twice as much atmospheric waste as plastic, making them questionable at best as the superior choice for the environment.



    Ireland, the first European country to impose a tax on them, has decreased plastic shopping bag consumption by 90% since 2002, reducing overall plastic bag usage by 1.08 billion.



    In the past five years, over a dozen countries have banned or put a tax on disposable bags.



    Reusable bags come in all sorts of smart and stylish shapes and prints, making your shopping trips a little less routine and a little more fun.



    Some grocery stores even offer discounts for customers who bring their own bags - now that's incentive!



    In New York City, one less grocery bag per person would reduce waste by 5 million pounds and save $250,000 in disposal costs.



    The average reusable bag has the lifespan of over seven hundred disposable plastic bags.



    Over a lifetime, use of reusable bags by just one person would save over 22,000 plastic bags. Isn't that even better incentive?
    How about a critical study of the capitalist system, and the need to change to a system that does not pressure the environment to the point of collapse?

    Or making offices or schools paper free?
    improve sustainability...i'm writing an essay about it right now haha and am also in college

    If the religion topic comes up... what do I do?

    I'm basically agnostic. In a few days I'm going to be in a car for the whole day with a new-ish born again christian. I know being new at something makes people want to talk about a lot. I don't want to seem uncomfortable or rude and change the topic. The person became a born again christian because of something in his life that really sucked so i really don't want to get into a %26quot;I think you're wrong%26quot; argument because I think the religion helps bring him some peace.
    If the religion topic comes up... what do I do?
    Thank you for being concerned about this person. I would suggest you be honest with them. Tell them honestly that you do not believe the way they do, and you would not feel right getting into a discussion with them about this subject right now.

    I am truly impressed with the answers up to this point. Very good answers from concerned folks of different views. This is how it should be.
    If the religion topic comes up... what do I do?
    You've basically got two options:

    Read up on Christianity and lie.


    Just be up front with it. It's helpful that you're agnostic, because it basically means that God could exist in your eyes. This gives you some breathing room. Don't challenge their beliefs, just state your own and say you're open to new ideas. This will give them a chance to talk, which sounds like it would help with their current situation. Just be really polite and neutral about it.
    If it comes up, just tell him you're agnostic and leave it at that. If he pursues the topic and can't accept that your beliefs differ, it's his own fault if an argument occurs.
    well obviously you dont want to tell him you completely dissagree but just dont really say anything unless you really have to. if you do then just say your not christian and leave it at that.
    just try to include science with the conversations
    Be a great listener.
    If he says something which is for your own good listen to him. [Isaiah 48.17,18; Matthew 24.14; 1Tim 2.3,4]

    Today's world has become extremely secular so much so that religion has become taboo. But it is not so in the beginning. When man was still very close to his Creator. When Satan has not %26quot;blinded the minds of unbelievers%26quot;. [2Cor 4.4; John 8.44]

    The good news is soon the pure worship will be restored by God. Then the worship of God will again be a topic which gives real joy for everyone [Rev 21.3,4]

    Just listen and don't interject your opinion unless asked. If you disagree then politely tell them, they will not shatter. Your fear is worse than reality.
    To bad I'm not going to be with you. . .I'm an engineer that loves to make people argue with themselves by throwing their own words back at them. I feel bad for you
    Why do you have to argue with that person? Just let him/her share their testimony. You're an agnostic which means that you don't know whether God exists or not. So, here is a person that does know. Why not hear him/her out? Remember that when they're new at this this means that they are like a child finding a great treasure. You can share your view if you feel like it and make peace with one another. Take care and God Bless. :)
    I've been in situations many times to where non believers start hammering on me because of my beliefs. I don't care to argue so I normally change the subject. Now in your circumstance, your right. You don't want to change the peace and happiness that he is feeling. Take the conversation

    and go with the flow. You can listen to his happiness, his peace and have a usual conversation. Don't lie. If it comes up, let him know that you are agnostic. Laugh a little maybe and tell him that there are two things that you don't talk about. Politics and Religion. Like you said, a new Christian can be just as irritating as a friend who just bought a new car....on and on until you want to beat the car up. Be nice, be gentle be yourself. Your friend likes you for who you are......

    I'm Christian by the way.....Good Luck
    Listen politely to their testimony.

    If the person says something like %26quot;do you know the lord%26quot; which is a segue to their attempts to convert you then...

    Tell the person that religion by it's nature is personal as well as potentially a lightening rod for disagreement. so, while you respect that person's faith and practices you would rather avoid speaking at length about your personal views on the the subject.

    If the person goes into another testimony fine so long as they do not continuously attempt to badger or convert you

    I have a colleague who is Mormon. I am agnostic, and probably bordering on atheist. I think the rules and regulations that go along with Mormonism are ridiculous, to put it mildly. My colleague is aware that I like to drink alcohol, smoke weed and have sex without being married. Yet, with this extreme disparity in our beliefs, we can still have long and fascinating spiritual conversations where, at the core of it, we are in agreement. The reason for this is my spiritual beliefs, while excluding the Christian god and the bylaws for conduct associated with Mormonism, are essentially the same. Rather than try to shoot down his beliefs, I listen and try find ways in which they are similar to my own.

    The key is listening. Ask yourself, what do you believe? If you can answer that, or at least explore it, you can have a conversation without the %26quot;I think you're wrong%26quot; argument.
    Never discuss religion or politics if you want to keep your friends.
    Be entirely open-minded. You will then learn something.

    A good topic that changed the history(for social)?

    i need a good topic that changed history and how?
    A good topic that changed the history(for social)?
    malcolm x...he had the same message as MLKJ, but went about it in a more violent manner and so was unsuccessful,


    For our next art exam we've been told to do CHANGE, i want to do really well because i want to take gcse art next year

    I have a couple of ideas but i need more...

    So far i have 'CHANGE IN WOMEN' based on Sally Khoury's work. She is from Lebanon and does work Art on Females to give a sense of how ladies have changed from being the mother and housemaker and almost like second citizens.

    I also thought about things that we need to change in the world: street crime

    homelesness etc

    Interesting question. And a great topic for creating art!

    I'm a professional visual artist and I always try to stick to the topics I have either knowledge or deep passion about.

    If you are a school aged female, then your kind of change is mostly likely different from the older Sally Khoury's. You probably have just as much change happening in your life, but it's happening in different spheres: physically (growing up, trying to NOT become a mother), mentally (learning new ideas), socially (becoming an adult, and trying to NOT become %26quot;just%26quot; a housewife), and emotionally (stress over all those boyfriends! or lack thereof! or any other issue coming your way...)

    So my advice is stick to the change you know. Or changes you are passionate about (social, environmental, political issues that keep you awake at night). You might check out the artists at They address big topics like this too, in all different art mediums.

    I hope this helps!
    you could also do animal rights, gay rights or discrimination.

    How often should I change meta tags in my site?

    I have a website, where I constantly add new information, so the site is changing. This is not everyday, but at least a couple of times per week. Newsletter, tips, etc, are put on the site. The content changes, but the subject matter does not. I want to keep the relevant in the search engine lists. How often should I update meta tags or does it matter since the subject matter does not change (same topics, new info)? Also, will changing meta tags too often %26quot;penalize%26quot; my site. I have never used a submission service because I was told they really don't work. Any thoughts on this. Any help is appreciated. Thank you.
    How often should I change meta tags in my site?
    Remember to keep your keywords *general* (like, using the general categories you imagine folks will be searching for, to arrive at your site, instead of the keywords your site contains! like, if your site is The Exciting Baseball Company, you might list %26quot;baseball%26quot; as a keyword instead of %26quot;exciting%26quot;) And your %26quot;description%26quot; of course should be that sentence that will appear when your website appears in the search results.

    Given those two things, change your meta information as often as is appropriate to change those two effects. You will be accordingly penalized and/or advantaged. See and judge this and other search crawler criteria in the cited source.
    How often should I change meta tags in my site?
    It doesn't matter if you change the meta tags or not. Changing them could decrease your ranking and such. As long as the subject matter does not change I personally would not change them.

    You shouldn't have to change your meta tags each time new content added, remember, for search engine optimization, meta tags are helping it to determine the result for hint keyword, so take the the general meta tags on what your website content provide, and keep to it, changing it weekly or monthly will make your site 'loose identity' in the search engine point of view, hope you get my point.

    regarding your statement about submission service %26quot;I was told they really don't work%26quot; is completed wrong, it helps your site to get knowned faster by the search engine.

    hope it helps.
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  • How often should I change meta tags in my site?

    I have a website, where I constantly add new information, so the site is changing. This is not everyday, but at least a couple of times per week. Newsletter, tips, etc, are put on the site. The content changes, but the subject matter does not. I want to keep the relevant in the search engine lists. How often should I update meta tags or does it matter since the subject matter does not change (same topics, new info)? Also, will changing meta tags too often %26quot;penalize%26quot; my site. I have never used a submission service because I was told they really don't work. Any thoughts on this. Any help is appreciated. Thank you.
    How often should I change meta tags in my site?
    Remember to keep your keywords *general* (like, using the general categories you imagine folks will be searching for, to arrive at your site, instead of the keywords your site contains! like, if your site is The Exciting Baseball Company, you might list %26quot;baseball%26quot; as a keyword instead of %26quot;exciting%26quot;) And your %26quot;description%26quot; of course should be that sentence that will appear when your website appears in the search results.

    Given those two things, change your meta information as often as is appropriate to change those two effects. You will be accordingly penalized and/or advantaged. See and judge this and other search crawler criteria in the cited source.
    How often should I change meta tags in my site?
    It doesn't matter if you change the meta tags or not. Changing them could decrease your ranking and such. As long as the subject matter does not change I personally would not change them.

    You shouldn't have to change your meta tags each time new content added, remember, for search engine optimization, meta tags are helping it to determine the result for hint keyword, so take the the general meta tags on what your website content provide, and keep to it, changing it weekly or monthly will make your site 'loose identity' in the search engine point of view, hope you get my point.

    regarding your statement about submission service %26quot;I was told they really don't work%26quot; is completed wrong, it helps your site to get knowned faster by the search engine.

    hope it helps.

    What would be a good National History Day topic?

    The topic this year is %26quot;Innovation in History: Impact and Change.%26quot; Some sample topics were:


    The Camera

    The Cotton Gin

    The Sewing Machine

    I'd be interested in doing a project that involves photography or music, either or. If you don't have a good topic for either of those, just give me whatever else you have.

    Try not to use any of the sample ones. XD Any ideas? :]

    What would be a good National History Day topic?
    Run with the jazz music suggestion. It also was the first chink in the armor of segregation, as upper class whites started frequenting Harlem clubs, for example.
    What would be a good National History Day topic?
    jazz music? it leads to the whole change of dress style of woman ni the 1920's and is involved in illegal speakeasies and contributes in the change of society in that time period.
    How about the light bulb? That would be perfect. There's a boatload of info about it on the internet, which would make writing it a lot easier.
    michael jackson death and his impact
    The radio?

    I want to do presentation the topic was"comedy the changing scenario in tamil cinema..." give any ideas? must be interactive to the audience
    I want to do presentation the topic was%26quot;comedy the changing scenario in tamil cinema...%26quot; give any ideas?
    go to google.....advanced search .....change format to for the title for what u want will work...

    Wednesday, 21 September 2011

    How do I change the conversation without sounding weird to get to know him?

    There's this cute guy in my year at school, he's really shy and not very popular, I asked him on facebook chat about his dads profession to get to talk to him, and he gave me really long details responses which was really nice. How do I change the topic next time? Will it sound weird and creepy if I do and I show I just want to talk to him?
    How do I change the conversation without sounding weird to get to know him?
    Ask him what's your favorite color or did you get the problem on the homework?
    How do I change the conversation without sounding weird to get to know him?
    If he's not brushing you off and if he's taking the time to talk to you on FB chat without faking %26quot;i g2g sorry%26quot; or anything, he wants to talk to you too! Talk about common interests: movies, books, teachers that you hate, school, things you wanna do when you grow up. Stuff like that - simple things. You'll get to know eachother in no time! :)

    Hope everything goes well!
    I guess just be random and start talking about something random...he will probably appreciate that more than if you just sat there and dragged out a long awkward silence. Next time just be like %26quot;so how as your day? Anything interesting happen?%26quot; if he starts to get boring and starts to act uninterested then just end the convo. He might not be the chatter type ya know?
    Trust me, every guy will find out that your hitting on him, most of the time any ways. Ask questions about him, simple as that. Heres a list composed by me

    Whats your favorite.....





    Not at all, just talk about anything except sexual things, talk about movies, music, news, school, anything! It just means you wanna get to know him, what's wrong with that? And if he wants to get toknow you to he'll talk more and ask too!
    No, it won't sound weird and/or creepy.

    Just ask him what's new, or how his day went : )

    And go from there.

    You'll end up talking about something random, which isn't bad at all..
    Most of those answers sound stupid. Just tell him you want to get to know him better, or that yall should chill sometime. Tell him to tell you about himself.

    go up to him say %26quot;did you know that elvis presley dyed his hair%26quot;.......and stop the job-interviewing type questions.

    Decade Topic Ideas? ?

    As a research topic for my american literature class, we were each given a 3 decades to choose from in which to look for a topic. My decades are the 20s, 50s, or 80s. I must choose something from any of those time periods. An example would be like The beatles = 60s. Our thesis is how this specific topic changed the world and how it has revolutionized living today. What is a good topic regarding the 20s, 50s or 80s?

    *NOTE*: Please do not suggest:

    Stock Market Crash 1920s

    Any Wars

    Anything to to do with Airplane flight (eg Charles Lindburgh)


    Biological discoveries (dna, insulin, etc)

    Some inventions

    Civil Rights

    Things that would be okay: my friend got the same time period and shes doing John Lennon's assassination...something like that would be okay...I just want to know who the person is. not people like Elvis or Louis Armstrong.

    Decade Topic Ideas? ?
    The fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989.

    Why can't you choose any of the topics up top? There are some really interesting things in some of those categories for the time periods you picked.
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  • Seriously, how can you tell if someone is crazy or at least not all there?

    This has nothing to do with religion. This is a general question for anybody about anybody.

    Yesterday, I was having one of those responsive conversation (responsive conversation is when someone starts a conversation with you and you carry the conversation just to be polite) with someone. He started the conversation with one topic, changed the topic into 15 different topics and ended the conversation with the topic he started off with at first.

    I see this as a clear sign of someone being %26quot;NUTS%26quot;.

    How can you tell if someone is crazy?
    Seriously, how can you tell if someone is crazy or at least not all there?
    they show signs or mental instability. but that sounds like a case of ADD
    Seriously, how can you tell if someone is crazy or at least not all there?
    disordered or non-sequential thinking certainly *can* be indicative of some deeper pathology, but it could also simply be someone who is under stress, suffers from adhd, or just plain drunk (or high)...or many other reasons.

    Also, let me please ask you (and others) not to use the word %26quot;crazy%26quot;. It's derogatory. If someone truly has a severe mental illness, then you can be sure that they didn't ask for it, don't want it, and did nothing to deserve it.
    Well, I didn't hear what the guy had to say, so maybe he was nuts. But frequent topic change isn't really the best sign of insanity in and of itself. Lots of people are non-linear thinkers, and carry on conversations in a stream-of-consciousness manner. I do it. Maybe I'm crazy, though.