Saturday, 24 September 2011

How do I start a conversation with a woman I like?

There's this woman I like and we are coworkers. However every time we get together outside of work it seems that all we do is talk about work. I want to get to know her, but I have no idea how to change the topic. I've tried but at the end of the night it's all about work. How do I make the transition from talking about work to...well anything else?
How do I start a conversation with a woman I like?
ask have you ever type questions then transition into something that she could use to talk about herself. Basically try to turn the conversation into things you think she may like then try to get her out of the talking all about work. You have to ask questions for sure.
How do I start a conversation with a woman I like?
ask her how her days is going
You could relate work-like problems to other situations. Being humorous is a good way 2 change conversations, and girls love it when you open up and talk about family, and your life at home.
ask her how was your day then if she say something nice try to say something like going out to somewhere
In discussing work, has she mentioned any other interests? no matter how simple it may sound...for instance you are griping about work (one of my favorite hobbies) and she mentions that she is working extra hours to be able to pay for ______ (lets say a motorcycle). Pick up on that, and steer the conversation toward it. If you don't know anything about it, have her to explain or go into detail about it. If it is a mutual interest, that is wonderful! Tell her that maybe the two of you should go out for a ride sometime. Of course the MC is just a for instance, but you get the hint. If she mentions that she has helped or is taking care of a sick friend or relative, ask in the next conversation how the person is doing. It will show that you are interested in her as a person. Of course, you are going to have to be sincere or she is going to see right through you.

If you have not had this type of information interjected, let her rant and get it out, then say %26quot;OK, enough of the stuff that gets on our nerves, what do you like to do when you are away from the office? what do you do to relax? Did you see the movie ____?%26quot;

As long as you show a genuine interest, you can get her to talk about other things.

Best wishes!