Friday, 16 September 2011

Can you please help me write an introduction for the topic Global Changes?

Please try an dmake it over 80 words.THX!
Can you please help me write an introduction for the topic Global Changes?
It all depends on what is meant by Global Changes, but here goes:

The world is constantly in a state of evolution. With each passing decade we develop things we just cannot live without. We went from being a family oriented society, to being a society all based on computers and cell phones. Thirty years ago, a person could see themselves leave their home without a cell phone, an ipod, a palm pilot, or their laptop. We drove cars that certainly wouldn't be considered fuel efficent, to our jobs where we smoked in our office, and then went home to our families where we ate food that didn't come prepackaged just before sitting down to watch our favorite sitcoms. Not everyone had cable, and music was purchased on a record, and 8-track, or a cassette tape. We had cycles of expensive gas, then it would level off and ultimately drop back down. We didn't have AIDS or HIV, and we often kept the same family doctor for generations. Then as the decades rolled by, we saw the creation of the Personal Computer, then the internet, cell phones and ipods. We cut down more and more forests to build these sprawling developments, often leaving the wildlife to die out, last of their kind, in zoos. As we overdevelop the land, our food has less nutritional value, so we eat more. We buy fast food, or already prepared food to save time and make ourselves sick, overweight and lethargic. We sit around watching TV (nothing has changed) but instead of one or two hours a night and then sleep, we watch tv and play online til very late, only to get 5 or 6 hours of sleep before work or school the next morning. This affects every country in the world, not just the %26quot;developed countries.%26quot; With each new convienence, we develop a new way to destroy something. All of the manufacturers have moved into third world countries to make chemicals or assemble products, and they do not respect the land. They pollute the water such that we find high levels of mercury in our fish, our lettuce gets salmonela, and a nice day at the beach could include exposure to all sorts of nasty chemicals.

In a nutshell, we are not progressing, we are destroying. We are rationalizing things that destroy the earth, and implement semantics to confuse the people. There is no such thing as clean coal, it is cleaner yes, but not clean. Mining for coal destroys the landscape, and can be deadly as we have seen in recent years. Has anyone even thought what sucking up all the oil does to the earth? Maybe that is the reason we have earthquakes and tsunamis?

The young people of today just cannot imagine what life was like before all of the ridiculous things we have come to cherish. Before cherishing a computer, we used to cherish our homes, our kids, our education! I would even venture to say that some might have cherished a swing, that hung from an giant oak tree in front of a home, that has just become foreclosed on and sold. The new owners want to chop the tree down, because it blocks their view of the hummer they have parked in the driveway.

I hope your paper is done well, and I hope you can extract something from what I have written. Good Luck