she already knows all about the sperms and the eggs and ovulation and fertilization. but when she asked how her Dad's sperm came to me, I just mumbled: it got transferred when dads kiss the moms, then quickly changed topic. Is 7years old too early? How can you explain sex to a child?????
Help! How will I answer my 7-year old daughter who is asking: what does sex mean? I'm freaking here!!!!!?
No, 7 isn鈥檛 too young at all! I would suggest u tell ur child the truth鈥 know why? My mum did the same thing with me. Well, not exactly, but similar. I often asked her when I was about 7 or 8 how she had a baby. And she would just say, it depends on how much dad loves her and kisses her. And then when I grew up and found out that wat mum said wasn鈥檛 true, I lashed it out on her and told her that she鈥檇 been lying to me and hiding these things from me (I only found out when I was 15 years old from my little brother who knew when he was 9. this is because we were homeschooled)!!
Your answer might be a cover-up, but she could resent u in the future if you don鈥檛 tell her. I think the best way is to tell her, but u could give instructions about it. If 7 is too early for her to inquire, then why would she be asking u those kinds of questions? If she is old enough to ask, then she should be old enough to handle it. I know it is a hard thing, but if u tell her the truth, she鈥檒l love u later鈥 know for myself, it鈥檚 still really hard for me to get over what my mum said to me before myself.
Help! How will I answer my 7-year old daughter who is asking: what does sex mean? I'm freaking here!!!!!?
ok sit her down and tell her like have a family type talk
What is to freak out about? Your daughter is having a very normal interest in how babies are made, and the less mumbling and changing of subject you do, the more she will understand that it's a natural process, not something to feel ashamed of. Go to a good bookstore, there are many books on the market that help you explain the facts of life to children of all ages in an age-appropriate manner.
Yes this is too early!!!
Stall, stall, stall............for several years!
I would not have lied about the kissing, but I probably would have been honest and told her that it's difficult to explain and she'll understand when she's older.
A long time ago, I had a college roommate who had grown up on a farm, and he related how kids naturally learned about these things from the animals.
You have be cautious these days, because the insane lilberals are teaching cucumber condomization as early as elementary school in some places.
well, in all honesty you'd want her to learn it from you and not the internet or school. Kids are learning very early these days. How the heck does she already know about sperm/eggs and fertilization? That's a little cooky. Keep the terms simple and try not to tell her something that she'll repeat to other friends who may not know anything about sex yet. - that will get both you and her scorned.
about sex and sperms and ovum she knows tell her indirectly when mom and pop sleep together it happens its time we awoke tom realities in any case she will find out maybe the wrong way. please tell her the truth tactfully do not avoid it
LOL!!!! now that is too early to be asking such questions.
does she watch alot of TV???
i think for now ur explanation was ok, but soon u'll have to answer her correctly or if she persists.
funny how children grows up to learn all these funny things hey??-LOL
Wait... how does she even already know about sperm, eggs, etc!? Whaaat? Yeah, 7 years old is too young to know being they aren't mature enough to process that yet! And chances are she'll go around telling her little friends. Just tell her that you'll explain it to her when she's older or something?
Who is the grown up here? She seems to be able to process the concepts, so why not tell her? I have a daughter and there is no way that I would hide information from her. Because you know that if you don't tell her she'll find out some other way...and would you be rather tell her about a loving union or have some other 7 year old tell her a story?
In this day and age, no 7 is not too young.. More she knows, the safer and better off she will be.
Now as you know, your dealing with a 7 year old child so you can't tell her 'everything' because she will not understande it yet or really care. She will get bored and tired of hearing you talk about it.
Sounds like you have done a great job so far of telling her.. So just sit her down and tell her the %26quot;truth%26quot;
Something like %26quot;Sex is when two people like mommy and daddy love each other alot and want to show thier love for each other in an adult, grown up way..
Watch her face and what she says/does after you tell her that.. If she is ready to hear more then tell her..
I'm gussing you have already told her about body parts on boys and girls being diff.. If not do so now,
Also it would be a good time to clear up the whole %26quot;dad's sperm comes to you%26quot; thing.
Don't try to push anything on her, but be open with her and tell her good solid info in ways she can understand. Let her tell you when you can move on, quite, etc.
Tell her when she is old enough you will explain it. Don't panic while you're saying it it'll just make her more curious.
No... of course not as early it is you have to explain to to your daughter scientifically, and tell her that mom's and dad's are kissing because they love each other, because they love each other and they have you... and there is nothing wrong with telling her show her some picture of the of the babies that are formed inside the tummy of the mom, and i'm sure she will interested about babies...
share with her from science point of view. show her pictures from the net and tell her that it is natural thing between a man and woman but u need to instill the right moral values at this point of time. ie. this is a wondering bond of love between a husband and wife and that she should look forward to this. but meantime she need to study and build up her personality, she will respect u and might possibly hold this as a life value :)
I think that you just tell her...
1) Sex shouldn't be discussed with her friends or other people apart from her parents or school teachers in a quiet place unless they are taking sexual education at school/until she's older.
2) tell her it's something that grown ups do when they want to have a baby. Then just tell her that daddy and mommy had sex to make her...she doesn't need to know more than that.
If she knows about sperm and eggs and stuff then you can go more into it, but use your discretion and watch her reaction.
i have a daughter and im scared for that same question to pop up. but you know kids are doing things at such an earlier age and if u dont tell them im sure one of there friends will. but i asked my mom what a virgin was at an early age and she told me when u havent kissed a boy and i went around telling everyone i wasnt a virgin. so yikes. so i thought i was pregnant for like 4 years.
rememba she is onli 7 YEARS OLD!!! i didnt learn bout sex till 5th grade so i wud wait a few more years
Relax and sit down with your daughter. Just anwer in a family type voice and say: It means to sleep with someone of your opposite gender.
She is seven and she is growing. As children grows they developed this feeling of curiousity. So relax and answer in a family type tone. Good Luck!!!
just dont tell her at all say it is somthing else .and then just tell lets talk about this later