Wednesday, 21 September 2011

How Should I Deal with My Friend's 'topic' of conversation?

How should I deal with my friend's 'topic' of conversation?

She is newly single, after being in a relationship for 10 years. Obviously, she is having 'a ball', both literally and figuratively. All she ever talks about is: guys!! Men and sex are her favorite topics of conversation; who she's met, to whom she's texting, who she's shagging, who she %26quot;plans to shag'. No other topic of conversation is discussed and she is actually quite intelligent and I've always found her a good person to have lunch or a coffee with and discuss 'intelligent' topics - eg: business, work, study, social issues, politics, etc.

I'll admit I am having a bit of a 'dry spell' myself at the moment - so maybe I'm a bit envious, but does she really have to 'rub it in' my face that her renewed sex life is so vigorous?

I've tried changing the topic, allowing her to focus on other issues, however, it always goes back to the same thing: Men, Sex and bonking!!

Any ideas on how to deal with this would be appreciated.

PS: I need to add that she also tells me every single physical detail about these guys eg; %26quot;oh, that's Mark - he has a 10 inch scholong, and it slopes to the left - amazing!%26quot; When she then introduced me to her latest 'bf', it puts the thought in my head of 'Mark - guy with big scholong' (as this is the method I use to remember names ie - Mark - DARK hair) and I just can't get the image out of my mind!!
How Should I Deal with My Friend's 'topic' of conversation?
Well at least you're finding some humor in this. Its probably just a phase she is going thru, being newly single. You know I guess thats what friends do, they're there to listen and let people get their issues out. I would be patient with her and just kinda deal with it the best you can. It will have to slow down a little soon. Hopefully she finds the right guy and all the %26quot;swapping around%26quot; will stop. If not and it becomes a life style for this women, as a friend you might have to have a little 'heart to heart%26quot; conversation with her.