Why doesn't boo radley come out of the house except to help children?
boo's life was about children, mentally a child himself, he was the self appointed neighborhood watch for kids, a loving protector.
Why doesn't boo radley come out of the house except to help children?
because when he was a kid, he locked uncle Sam in a room and he was punished severly by his father mr.radley. he was chained and forced to never come out of the room. also his father has a gun which he uses to kill birds and he often scares neighbor hood. that's why boo radley is scared of his father. scout, jem and dill don't like his father cuz he is the meanest person on the earth.
you can watch the movie and it would be clear to you.
He has been abused all of his life, and he is a mockingbird in the story. An innocent who is abused, like Tom Robinson, and like Atticus said (i dont remember word for word) but, it was along the lines of mockingbirds are here only for the good of people they sing sweet songs for our enjoyment. Him helping the children is the song the mockingbird sings, its all symbolic.
Boo Radley is dim-witted and black and he knows that he will be found guilty and go to jail. Being mentally handicapped and black in the south.....he was sure to be found guilty.
Because he was %26quot;Chained up as a child and put into a physc. school%26quot;
So He has a grudge against adults..
There is more on the subject in the book...
Its a conver. between Jem and scout...
I read the book three years ago, but if you want a valid argument talk about something like his human nature. Any theme-related or humanist paper will please an english teacher.
Secretly, Michael Jackson is Boo Radley in disguise.
What a great spin.
he doesn't want to face the discrimination the town puts on him..(i just read the book)