a) They are mindless morons that view everything according to group think.
b) They are mindless morons that view everything according to group think.
c) Other
What does the topic of Climate Change being split along party lines say about political party loyalists?
d. None of the above.
Why can't we have good science prove it one way or another. Why leave it up to politicians. Let's get the proper science with proper techniques without falsifying data, without an axe to grind, with both %26quot;sides%26quot; present in the data collection and analysis and prove it.
What does the topic of Climate Change being split along party lines say about political party loyalists?
a and/or b..
D) the Earth is going to pay the price for the bickering of politics. Not necessarily because of climate change itself but because the debate over it has caused people to turn against Nature on political principle.
Its not split among party lines though, the two groups are:
1) American Republicans and
2) The rest of planet earth
Here's the rub: I am not sure I agree with cap %26amp; trade and while only a total idiot dismisses the idea of global warming completely, I am also not sure its entirely man made. But because Republiucans have decided to just make stuff up instead of tackeling the issues, I'll go ahead and support the Democrats. The Republicans have pushed the intelligent away, so screw 'em. They actually RELY on Americans being stupid and unable to understand basic science. Thats more insulting to me than the Democrats imperfect but honest efforts at solving the problem.
Oh, and the Republicans aslo ignore the fact that we are buying oil from fundamentalist Muslims who like to kill Americans. Thats moving beyond stupid politics and into treason in my book.
Liberals are using junk %26quot;science%26quot; to try to fulfill their dreams of government control over all aspects of American's lives.
Republitards want americans to be ARAB OIL DEPENDENT...
they have no interest in curbing big oil...fact
We could use your wording, but really no one understands it and so we turn to experts, and one political group wants to believe them and the other doesn't.
None of us can claim to be climate experts, few of us even have a decent understanding of local weather.
If Al Gore had not thrown has hat in that ring, it might not have been like this.
republicans believe what they believe solely to appeal to their base in a cynical attempt to return to power. That, and they get massive contributions from big pollution.
democrats believe what they believe solely due to scientific consensus.
There is no debate amongst climate scientists.
There is no controversy, except amongst the least knowledgeable (non scientists - average joe six pack)
I don't believe there is a divide along party lines. Climate change in the US is normal. It happens all of the time. There is no man-made global warming. People with good sense see that. People with their own agendas promote global warming to make money off of it.
C. Because conservatives do not believe in anything that might affect their pocket book.