The topic this year is %26quot;Innovation in History: Impact and Change.%26quot; Some sample topics were:
The Camera
The Cotton Gin
The Sewing Machine
I'd be interested in doing a project that involves photography or music, either or. If you don't have a good topic for either of those, just give me whatever else you have.
Try not to use any of the sample ones. XD Any ideas? :]
What would be a good National History Day topic?
Run with the jazz music suggestion. It also was the first chink in the armor of segregation, as upper class whites started frequenting Harlem clubs, for example.
What would be a good National History Day topic?
jazz music? it leads to the whole change of dress style of woman ni the 1920's and is involved in illegal speakeasies and contributes in the change of society in that time period.
How about the light bulb? That would be perfect. There's a boatload of info about it on the internet, which would make writing it a lot easier.
michael jackson death and his impact
The radio?