Why did Chris Matthews change the topic when Dan Rather made his watermelon comment?
Mathews changed the topic because the %26quot;tingle%26quot; down his leg this time was urine... because his hero... Dan Rather... was making a politically incorrect slam about his %26quot;god%26quot;... Obama.
Why did Chris Matthews change the topic when Dan Rather made his watermelon comment?
I suspect the reason is similar to when Obama told George Stephanopolous that John McCain %26quot;has not said anything about my Muslim faith,%26quot; and then George tried to help him by saying %26quot;You mean your Christian faith.%26quot; Don't want to embarrass a fellow liberal!
BEcause he is a normal MSNBC paid political hack for the Democratic Party.
Leg started tingling
It seems Chris Matthews didn't want to hear him criticize President Obama. Matthews is the kind of person that sits there very impatiently waiting for his turn to speak.
Because the tingle was fading.
Because Chris Matthews had temporarily forgotten that the President was, in fact, black.
Put this into perspective.....
HOW BAD is Obama that his main cheer-leading networks are FORCED to discuss how much he's failed to get the job done and failed to keep promises?
Obama, love him or hate him, has been a TERRIBLE president and has failed MISERABLY on his campaign promises.
That is not a %26quot;mean statement%26quot;..... that is simply a statement of fact.
Chris is a bit of coward and does not say it straight and more of a Obama supporter than a truth teller.
How do you know Matthews changed the topic? The only thing we can tell from the clip on %26quot;therightscoop%26quot; is that Matthews called on someone else for their opinion.
Rather did not say %26quot;watermelon%26quot; himself he said Republican would make a watermelon comment.
If you wanted to make an honest criticism, you would say that Rather was calling Republicans racists.
Because he refuses to give a truthful answer that might be considered critisim of 0bama , and as someone mentioned his leg was tingling
He was done with that topic, all Dan did was predict or repeat what republicans are saying.