Friday, 16 September 2011

Anyone notice that True Conservatives try to answer questions, while neo-cons only change the topic?

As I scan through responses to my posts, the more True-Conservatives attempt to offer up some logical argument while neo-cons ignore the question altogether and spew whatever incoherent thought that happens to cross their mind. Am I wrong?
Anyone notice that True Conservatives try to answer questions, while neo-cons only change the topic?
ever notice true democrats ask real questions while liberals veil political statments in phrases guised as questions that alot of people get tired of and call said person out on it. Would that be changing the topic or pointing out the blatant selective complaining with regards to the question in effect answering the question in a round about way.

and no Im not saying all of the %26quot;questions%26quot; fit this template however I would bet the majority of the %26quot;change in topics%26quot; happen to coinside with the above situation.
Anyone notice that True Conservatives try to answer questions, while neo-cons only change the topic?
Really searching for anything to post, aren't you?
G-man Proved your point. We don't always agree but I try to provide you with a line of reasoning as to why I disagree.
I'm not up to speed on the difference, but you seem to be correct. They just regurgitate the phrase of the day from Rush or Sean Hannity or any other conservative radio talk show host. I'm amazed that they think those arguments will get anywhere. And a hearty thank you to all the True-conservatives that actually take the questions seriously and offer logical justifications for their responses.
I would hate to be a %26quot;true conservative%26quot; right now...

I'm frustrated, and I'm not even in the party...

but I can kind of understand, since the democrats act retarded half the time too...
I was going to say yes I've noticed that kind of thing, but I don't appreciate you putting a political label on me. You don't know enough about me to call me a True conservative or Neo Con.

But then again, I don't answer a lot questions in the politics section.

Good luck anyway
I try to answer politely to your questions, but sometimes I get a bit frustrated. Sometimes you are dead on, and sometimes you aren't. But that is okay, you do try to bring up legitimate questions most of the time.
Yes, in fact I've noticed the same thing. They have no traction for their arguments, so all they can do is label and smear.
conservatism is a political viewpoint that i seldom agree with, however it is a valid perspective. %26quot;neoconservatism%26quot; is a mental disorder. most of those are confused. for instance:

%26quot;Do our schools need increased funding?%26quot;

lib: yes, the school system is in shambles.

con: no, we cannot afford to inctrease funding at this point.

neo: a) it's all carters fault, he sold us out to the iranians. (or)

neo: b) but klinton had sex in the whitehouse with a cigar.
I think most people give a thoughtful response to thoughtful questions. If your question is inflammatory, you get what you give.