Ightt so i texted this girl telling her she's really cute and pretty and she would just say aww thanks really u think? and i said yea of course :)..and she changed the subject..idk what to understand from this..she changes the subject often but idk lol..I really like her and she's showing signs of liking me too..help please?
Girls changing topics?
she just dosent want you to think that she thinks she is all that and that she wants to talk about how beautiful she is all night. this is a good thing. just keep up the compliments and eventually it will all work out.
Girls changing topics?
I personally think one of two things: 1. There wasn't really too much more to say on that topic and 2. A lot of the times girls are uncomfortable talking about their self image.
girls like flattery but conversations that are all compliments are boringif she changes the subject she may just want to learn more about you and not just wanna talk about how cute or pretty you think she is.