After my boyfriend and I have sex i find my head completely full of things about him or to do with him, but he doesn't get this at all. After sex he talks about the most random things, and this makes me wonder if i'm not doing a very good job. Why does he change topic so quickly? is it something i'm not doing or do all guys move on so quick? what can i do to leave a better impression?
Why does my boyfriend talk about the most random things after having sex?
he changes because he enjoyed it most probably and u made his day so he changes topic so u already leave a good impression
Why does my boyfriend talk about the most random things after having sex?
because he's a little nervous or embarassed on how he did. or he doesn't like talking about sex
watch some porn and do what the girls in the videos do, scream like crazy.
Well, maybe he's nervous or like shy on what he has to do now since you guys already did it?
Idk for sure though. haha=]
hope u guys stay together
as far as imconcerned you have a p....... and if he can't appreciate that, then theres something wrong with him.
stop worrying yourself. and if you are really that worried you should talk to him about it and what could be done to make things better? and that goes both ways.
and theres a probability you are just misinterpreting things. i mean guys are guys they are not as emotional as we are. boys will be boys
don't fret too much guys movee on fast
After Sex guys feel euphoric and ramble about nothingness. All they think about is sex most of the day and when they finally have it all these other insignificant thoughts come out. Women on the other hand are more emotional and thingk about the relationship.
guys and girls minds work differently
when a guy hasn't had sex in a while (a few hours or more!!) he is surging with testosterone which just makes him focused on one thing. you, and getting into your knickers.
once you've had sex...all the testosterone is gone...letting him think about all the things he hasn't been able to think about previously!
just take it as a compliment that you've satisfied him completely so that his mind is clear to think about other things!!
Communicate. After sex, ask him specific questions about it, and ask if it felt good, what did you like most about it, did you feel this... etc. Make sure you tell him what you liked the most and what worked for you.
This will keep him focused on what just happened and then can help you find out if you are leaving a good impression.
Really, it's hormonal. During sex the female body releases a hormone that drives this part of your brain to attachment. it's the same hormone released during breast feeding.
while Males do not generate this hormone at all.
thats part of it.
if you talk to him, he'll probably talk about whatever you want after sex.
Talking about random things is weird. Why doesn't he fall a sleep instead of talking about what kinda cake should he make for his cats birthday. Your right talking after sex is weird, he could have a serious problem. I think the normal thing is falling a sleep.
Sex for you both is about relationship-building, but for most guys (and plenty of women too) it's also a primal urge. Having satisfied the drive, his head is free to think about other things, so he does. In a few years he'll probably learn to keep a lid on it.
It's nothing to do with your aptitude, it's just an expression of his release, no more emotionally meaningful than smoking a cigarette or putting some music on.
Guys and girls think very differently. While we get all sappy thinking of our partners following sex, that's when their minds can finally focus on something other than us. For my partner, the main focus after is food. It is not personal. It's just how his mind work. Believe me, you've made your impression. Why else would you think he keeps coming back for more?
he's just nervous