Saturday 4 June 2011

Hi uno somtime i feel i go crazy i think too much and talk out of the topic?

hi uno somtime i feel i have some pchyological problem or m crazy or m goin to b crazy, cos i think too much all here and there every time,and when i talk to a person i change topic all of sudden all da time, and m very impulsive and i do things very fast so simtime i foget wt i have to do, or wt i was doing|||happenned to me when i was eleven,, or around there. Most definitely I would say you are under 18 for sure...

If you%26#039;re over 24, 25, then maybe go to someone, but if your a child or teen its just a phase..most definitely...

also thinking too much is bad, the guy wwho knows how to relax and sleep well in the nights is to be revered..|||you sound like a passive aggressive and you have a bad memory

mental disability|||i have the same problem. i actually do have a psychological problem for real but thats not like the problem its like on of the side things i have lol.|||just focus and embrace your other thoughts till further notice until you have a chance to talk about your topic