Saturday, 4 June 2011

Why should the US NOT restrict immigration or pass stricter policies against it?

I need a little help on my debate topic.

Unfortunately it was assaigned so I really couldn%26#039;t change topic or position but I am having trouble defending why we shouldn%26#039;t pass stricter immigration laws.

If you can list the source please give it!

Thank you!|||You are asking why we should Not make it more strict? I think you will have a hard time finding reasons for that. Legal immigrants are welcome by most people and illegals are Not. They suck up our governments money and disrespect our country..not to mention steal jobs from the American people who need them and they raise our crime rates. And they want and expect free everything. I can not think of a single reason why we should not have more strict policies..except that we should be doing more to enforce the ones that we already have.|||increase in crime

health care is bankrupting America

Drug dealers

schools overcrowded

medicaid recipients are many land babies

they work here and send the money back to Mexico so it is not absorbed into our economy

That is a start!