Saturday 4 June 2011

What's a nice way of saying "I don't care" and changing the subject?

Ugh, I%26#039;ve fallen into so many conversations where I JUST DON%26#039;T CARE about the topic at all and I just sit there nodding. Then they say, %26quot;You%26#039;re so boring%26quot; and go do something else because I never give a **** to respond to what they%26#039;re saying.

I%26#039;m not trying to say that I don%26#039;t like talking to people, but I just want to know how to change topics unabruptly, so they don%26#039;t feel like they%26#039;re being cut-off in the middle of their story.

Advice?|||As far as I can tell, there isn%26#039;t a nice way to say %26quot;I%26#039;m not interested in what you%26#039;re talking about%26quot;, but changing the subject is often effective. If you want to be nice about it, just pick up a word or phrase that sends the convo off on a tangent. This shouldn%26#039;t be hard... %26quot;Model trains... hmm... that reminds me, I just got these new trainers from ...%26quot; You might be a little less obvious than that.

Of course, you can always just politely excuse yourself and say you need to talk to someone else.

Furthermore, if people are boring you, you might want to try talking to different people. These others accuse you of being boring when you%26#039;re actually just bored. Do you care?|||I usually say, I have to go to the bathroom|||just say something like, wel lthat subject doesn%26#039;t really interest me that much, so.....? Hope that helps!|||Try %26quot;Shut the **** up, you%26#039;re giving me a headache!%26quot;|||I usually say %26quot; You%26#039;ve shown me another way of looking at things, thanks%26quot; and move on.|||If they are to the point of actually saying that you are boring, you are not being socially polite enough. At least add a %26#039;hey, that%26#039;s great%26#039; or %26quot;I wish I had experience with that, but I don%26#039;t%26quot;, and maybe a %26#039;by the way%26#039; and then move onto something else. But first, really actually listen! People often just don%26#039;t listen to others or care at all about other people. It%26#039;s just rude.|||let%26#039;s say they%26#039;re talking about they%26#039;re ugly bird, u could be like, %26quot; oh, u know that cute girl sally has a parrot...%26quot; use ur imagination.|||Just smile and nod. If they continue, and don%26#039;t get that funny feeling inside that says, %26quot;Am I boring you?%26quot; then you should just politely excuse yourself.|||This one is hard. Part of being a person that many people like is being a good listener and being a good listener means you listen with compassion and caring because you like them and want to understand the person who is talking on all levels. If you were talking to someone and they were bored how would you want them to react? Would you want them to be honest and say %26quot;I really don%26#039;t care%26quot;? How would you feel about them? What are other ways they could change the conversation without offending you? On the other hand if they are rudely telling YOU that you are the boring one, you could say %26quot;well, it%26#039;s really not a subject that interests me.%26quot; A different approach would be to find something related so you can steer it toward something else. This is hard and you have to think fast and it doesn%26#039;t always work because if the person is set on talking about %26quot;fashion%26quot; and you change it to %26quot;government fiscal responsibility%26quot; (or vice versa) - regardless, they want to talk about fashion and now they are not interested in your subject. It gets touchy here because if all these people you are talking to are boring you to death, maybe you should ask yourself why? And then ask why are they your friends? Why not find people who share your interests instead of hanging with people who talk about boring things? You might want to question not the subjects they discuss, but the people they are. Maybe they aren%26#039;t your type of people? I often find myself associating with people who don%26#039;t interest me. I don%26#039;t consider them my friends, perhaps mere acquaintances and I tolerate their babblings out of respect because it was my choice to spend time with them (a very short time!). My friends and I share common interests - they are people I love listening to and they like listening to me. We share our relationship this way.